
Friday, December 21, 2012

Author Interview with Leslea Newman!

The DMS was lucky enough to interview Leslea Newman, author of the children's picture book The Boy Who Cried Fabulous. Recently, we reviewed this fun story, and it was great to share our thoughts about it and hear yours! We are excited to learn a little bit more about the story behind the story. So, without further ado... take it away, Leslea! 

What inspired you to write The Boy Who Cried Fabulous?

I was inspired by a friend of mine named Roger, whose favorite word is "fabulous." One day he said to me that he had a friend who called him, "the boy who cried fabulous." Roger said to me, "Wouldn't that make a great title for a children's book?" I agreed, rolled up my sleeves, and got to work!

How long did it take you to write the book?

When I get an idea, I become completely obsessed and spend every waking hour thinking about it and developing it. I usually write a first draft pretty quickly and then spend days, weeks, and months rewriting. I usually write somewhere around 20 drafts until I feel I get a book right. Especially when I write in rhyming verse, there's so much to consider. Meaning, sound, rhythm, rhyme, musicality, etc. I want the book to sing!

What are some of your favorite books from childhood? Were there any specific authors who inspired you?

I loved anything and everything by Dr. Seuss. THE CAT IN THE HAT, and THE CAT IN THE HAT COMES BACK were particular favorites. I also loved all books about animals including CURIOUS GEORGE and BABAR THE ELEPHANT. Later I read and adored BLACK BEAUTY and OLD YELLER. And LITTLE WOMEN, of course. I wanted to be Jo when I grew up.

How did you find your illustrator, Peter Ferguson?

My editor at Tricycle Press found Peter and I think he did an amazing job.

What is the most fabulous thing in your world?

My family! My fabulous spouse, and our fabulous cat, Princess Sheba Darling. They rock my world.

If you could be friends with any character from one of your stories, who would you choose?

That's a tough question. I hate to play favorites. Perhaps I would befriend Hachiko from my book, HACHIKO WAITS. Hachiko is an actual dog who lived in Japan from 1923 - 1935 and waited at Shibuya train station for 10 years, hoping for his master's return. I would like to keep him company so he wouldn't be so lonely (though many people actually did befriend him). 

Where can we purchase a copy of The Boy Who Cried Fabulous?

Wherever fine books are sold.

Local Book Shops  Amazon ☞ Barnes and Noble 

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Giveaway ends Sunday December 30th!
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  1. I can relate to getting obsessed when I get a new day. I can't think about anything else until the story is written!

    1. Hi Kelly, It's so much fun to get caught up in a project! Thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  2. Great Interview! I love hearing about other authors writing routines (if there is really anything routine about it :) My daughter and my new grandson are fabulous in my world!

    I follow Fairday via GFC as Lionelsnod

    Merry Christmas!

    Paul R. Hewlett

    1. Hi Lionel, I always think creative routines are so fascinating, and I like to pay attention to my own- they are pretty funny : ) Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ F

  3. Wonderful post. I always admire authors but I'm truly in awe of those who write in rhyming verse.

    1. Hi Petty, Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us- you know me, I love a good rhyme- and I love that Leslea calls it making the words sing. Lovely to hear from you : ) ~ F

  4. Fabulous! ;) Great interview!

    1. Hi This Kid Reviews Books, Thanks so much for popping by! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  5. I LOVE the word FABULOUS!!! And this story sounds so cute! Thanks for sharing about it. Great interview!!!

    1. Hi Christine, It's such a fabulous word : ) It is a really fun story- especially to read out loud! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~ F

  6. Maybe we all should find at least one thing daily that's fabulous and shout it out. Sounds good to me.

    1. Donna- What a wonderful idea! Let's start today. :) ~L


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