
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Top of the Heap!

Monday's Riddle dug up the spirits, and they have been haunting us all week long! Lizzy's review of Scary School by Derek the Ghost made us all appreciate what it would be like to have monsters and ghouls as teachers- imagine the homework! We are also giving away a copy the fantastical, new middle grade novel, The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox, so be sure to float by and enter the Book Giveaway for your chance to win! (Giveaway runs until Sunday, November 4th). Friday, we are planning something spooky to cap off this chilling October season. We hope that everyone has weathered the storm well and managed to enjoy a safe and frightfully, delightful Halloween!

This week's top of the heap: Real Ghost Stories!

Fairday: Okay, this is my favorite picture to show people at Halloween. I can't find the article I clipped out about it- but here's the gist... Since I was a little girl, I have been obsessed with the blue house on Main Street in Newtown, CT. I just think it's just so darn spooky and lovely! My family used to drive by it during holiday travel. Main Street in Newtown is amazing during the holidays, especially Halloween. The old, fancy houses are all decked out for the annual Trick or Treat Street. Kids in costumes are everywhere. It's truly an event! Unfortunately, Halloween around here has been canceled for the past two years. So, to resurrect a little scare- here's what I know about the blue house...

The story goes something like this... During the Civil War a procession of starving soldiers was walking down Main Street and smelled baking bread. The hungry men broke into the house, startling the family. They then chased the father up and down the road, eventually killing him in the front yard.

I took this photo because I wanted to have a picture of the blue house. When I downloaded it, I couldn't believe my eyes! WHAT in the world is happening in there??? I would love to hear what you guys think! 

Happy Haunting : ) ~ F

Lizzy: My mom and I head to Cape Cod every summer to visit my Aunt Forsey. I always love to go hiking around the Fort Hill area. The scenery is amazing, and I am fascinated by the Penniman House. It's so beautiful and regal looking, and I enjoyed learning about the history of the whaling captain, Edward Penniman, and his wife called "Gustie".  Here's my ghosty photo of the Penniman House to share with you! Aunt Forsey took it, and there's been no editing done- besides cropping. Weird! ~ L

 I would also love to hear what you guys think about this picture! (Are the images the sun's reflection on the glass, or... something else ???)

The Penniman House: A Whaling Story

Captain Edward Penniman steps outside his house on Fort Hill in Eastham, Massachusetts in the late summer of 1881. He can feel the chill of the winds blowing off the Atlantic Ocean. He can smell and taste the salt air. By habit, he scans the white-capped horizon in search of a whale's spout. Soon he would leave on his fifth voyage across the world's oceans to hunt these "leviathans of the deep." The voyage could last for four years. 

Would his wife Gustie come along this time? Would any of their children accompany them? Where would he find his crew? Would this whaling voyage be successful?


  1. These pictures are really eerie = the first house in particular. There really do seem to be shadows in the windows and they look so spookily 'real'!

    1. Hi Sharon, Aren't they though! I almost fell off of my seat when I saw the blue house picture. Great to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  2. Great houses. They look as if they should have ghosts. I saw one ghost once. It was more surprising than scary.

    1. Hi M Pax, How interesting! I'm glad you weren't scared- I don't think I would be either. I agree, more shocking initially than anything else. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  3. Whoa, so many faces pop out of the windows in the blue house! I had to stop looking. :)

    1. Hi Cate, It's crazy, I know! I have stared at that picture so much, I feel like I can't look at it enough. The eeriest part is that when I took the pictures- it was a gloomy, overcast day, and I could see right through that bottom window into the living room- nothing there. Lovely to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by : ) ~ F

  4. Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures & stories!! Both those houses are simply incredible, hard to imagine they AREN'T haunted lol ... not sure what to think about the images in the windows???? o-O

    1. Hi MAD, Thanks! I just can't get enough of haunted houses! I find them to be so fascinating, and I am always on the look out, camera ready : ) Always a pleasure to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by ~ F

  5. My cousin lives in Newtown CT, so I will have to check out the blue house on Main St next visit (probably Thanksgiving). I love stories about haunted houses. When my daughter was in Mt. Holyoke she lived in a haunted dormitory the first year, and supposedly there are several on campus - made for great fun on Halloween.

    1. Hi Alex, Cool! I just heard that Trick or Treat Street has been postponed- so, there's still time to check out those fabulous houses! We love swapping spooky stories too : ) Great to hear from you! ~ F

  6. Wow. Interesting, yet scary pictures. A car ride by would be close enough for me.


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