
Saturday, November 24, 2012

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle opened up the floodgates of gratitude this week. Lizzy's review of Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Palacco told the tale of a girl inspired by a wonderful teacher, and Thursday, we found ourselves grateful for time with family and good food on Top of the Heap. Friday, Jerry Spinelli popped over to chat with us, and it was amazing to hear the story behind his story. We are giving away a signed copy of Loser by Jerry Spinelli, which will be happening until Sunday, December 2nd- so be sure to stop by and enter for your chance to win! Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: What is a unique Thanksgiving (or holiday) tradition in your family? 

We'll tell you ours, if you tell us yours! 

Currently up for grabs on Fairday's Blog! 
Open to US and International ; )

Read the reviews!
Enter to win a signed copy of Loser
Ends Sunday, December 2nd 

Read the reviews!
Enter to win a copy of Turtle in Paradise
Ends Sunday, November 25th 

Read the reviews!
Enter to win a signed hardcover edition of The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow
Ends Sunday, November 25th 

Read the reviews!
Enter to win a signed copy of Powerless
Ends Sunday, November 25th

A bonus $10 gift card to! 
Ends Sunday, November 25th 


  1. When I was growing up, it used to be The Elf on the Shelf. My mom would select a spot where the elf could see all, and report back to Santa. Back then, it was unique - but now I see it in stores again!

    1. Hi Cate, My mom and I had this tradition as well. There was this little wooden elf with a beard and a Christmas tree that followed me around the house all month long- showing up just after Thanksgiving. I swear that little guy was really on my case. Everywhere I went, there he was. Sometimes he would show up on the top of the curtain rod, there he would be on top of the air conditioner unit- then right next to me on the table. His stealth was uncanny, and I was (and still am) convinced that he does keep a watchful eye on me. He is in my possession now- but I still don't trust the little tattle tale- lol! Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  2. The Elf on the Shelf for me too.
    I used to love the pagan taste of it, even though I didn't even know what the word meant back then. Then, let's say, I loved the smell of woods that it brought up my nostrils every time I found it on my nightstand.

    1. Hi Jay, The elf on the shelf is such a fun tradition! Great to hear from you- thanks for stopping by! ~ F

  3. Hmmmm... Our family's Find the Pickle on the Christmas Tree game. My grandfather hid a small pickle ornament on the tree and us kids would have to find it! When you find the pickle you get a prize. :)

    1. Hi This Kid Reviews Books, I loved the idea of this tradition. I have never done it, but it sounds so magical : ) Thanks so much for stopping by! ~ F

  4. For Thanksgiving it just has to be the same menu...for Christmas...candle lights in all of the windows as soon as possible! Big wreaths on all of the doors!

    1. Hi Patty, That is one of the prettiest things about the holidays! I love seeing all the candles in the windows- especially in the snow : ) ~ F

  5. I think what is different is when Thanksgiving day arrives, I put away the Thanksgiving decorations and decorate for Christmas, making our bountiful table much more festive.

    1. Hi Donna, That's so interesting and different! Love it- thanks so much for sharing this with us : ) ~ F


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