
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The DMS Wants to Know!

Monday's Riddle predicted our theme this week, and, as foretold, we've been discussing the idea of prophecy. Lizzy's review of The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox cast us into another realm, where the destiny of a young girl is held in the time of legends. Thursday, on Top of the Heap, we shared our thoughts on this topic, and Friday, we were fortunate enough to host Victoria Simcox, author of The Magic Warble. We are participating in a book giveaway for 3 copies of this fantastical story, which will run until Sunday, November 4th. We are also among the delightfully, monstrous blogs in the annual Spooktacular Book Hop- where you can enter for a chance to win a $10 gift card to, a paperback edition of Juniper Berry by M. P. Kozlowsky, plus a signed, hardcover edition of the mysterious middle grade novel, The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow by J. Haight & S. Robinson. This hop will run until Halloween night, October 31st, so be sure to swing by! Today, we want to hear from you!

The DMS wants to know: What prophecies have you read about that you find to be fascinating?

Another one of our favorites!

We've told you ours. Now, let's hear yours!


  1. I guess this year we all can't help but wonder about the Mayan Prophecy that the world will end on 21 December 2012. Coincidentally that is also my wedding anniversary so it could be a memorable one this time!

    1. Hi Sharon, Great one to bring up- there is so much mysticism surrounding this prophecy. Fascinating! Thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  2. When I was young, the prophecies of Nostradamus used to fascinate me because so many had proven true (or at least, were close enough to be interpreted as true!)

    1. Hi Cate, They are so interesting! I just watched a program on the History channel about him- it was called 500 Years of Nostradamus. It was an excellent program and really makes you think! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  3. All I know is if the Mayans are correct and the world ends before Touch of Death can come out, I'm going to be really mad! ;)

  4. While I think a lot of people have misunderstood the Mayan calendar & the 13th Baktun, the Hopi have long declared we're currently in the 5th world, due to end by fire.

    The psyche sure is interesting (if not a trifle morbid!) lol

    1. Hi MAD, A beginning forged by a burst of light and energy- to see it in another way. I always remind myself that I'm not in charge- thank God! The psyche is absolutely fascinating- to no end. Great to hear from you : ) Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us! ~ F

  5. Hmm. The Mayan calendar is supposed to start over, so the Apocalypse because I always loved horses. Real prophecies in general are too confusing to be very useful. But I sort of liked the Artemis Fowl phlegm pot prophecy.

    1. Hi Sher, Artemis Fowl is a great one to bring up! They are cryptic- I guess that's what makes them so interesting- if they laid it right out for everyone, where would the mystery be? People are fascinating. Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  6. I'm back for a second time! I realised after watching Merlin on TV last night that I got a little bit waylaid yesterday and that the prophesy I've really been waiting for since about the age of 9 is for Arthur to wake up from where he is sleeping in the Welsh mountains and return as The Once and Future King.

    1. Hi Sharon, Ah! Merlin! I LOVE that whole story. The TV mini-series with Sam Neil as Merlin is one of my all time favorite shows. What a fabulous take to bring up! Thanks : ) ~ F

  7. I think the only prophecy in fiction I can remember reading is Harry Potter. There has to have been more though.

    1. Hi Libby, Harry Potter is one of the best, that's for sure! Great to hear from you- thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  8. I wrote about my great grandmother supposedly being a "visionary" and what she told me when I was five and the stories I overheard about her by far make her the most memorable "prophet" I've ever wondered about...or is it "prophetess?"

    1. Hi Anna Maria, Oh, I love hearing this. That is such an amazing story to tell! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  9. Hi Heidi, I would love to see it, and then forget it immediately : ) If that option was available, that is. Nostradamus is an interesting character in history! Thanks for popping over! ~ F

  10. I love the prophecy in the Darkness of Witches...where Diana is the one to help form the prophecy that will change everyone's lives!

    So good!

    1. Hi Patty, Sounds cool! Anything with Diana is sure to be great : ) Thanks so much for popping over! ~ F

  11. This is a great question! I would have to say Percy Jackson's The Battle of the Labyrinth's prophecy. My mom says the world ending on Dec. 21 better not happen, because she has too many sequels she is looking forward to in 2013! ~ Katertot <3

    1. Hi Cheles Bells, Excellent pick! The Percy Jackson series is great! LOL- there would be a lot of disappointed readers, that's for sure : ) ~ F

  12. The Heroes of Olympus' Prophecy of Seven. :)

    1. Hi This kid Reviews Books, Nice! Great choice- thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  13. I am so fascinated by the whole "the world is going to end in 2012" phrophecy. I think it will be really cool to know more about and decode it. It's like the world was going all crazy just a few months back and suddenly there's a downfall in the panic mode set up by this notion. I'd really like to wait and watch what happens. :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Hi Sarika, they are so fascinating, and there's nothing else to do, really! Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts with us : ) ~ F

  14. Like everyone else, the 2012 prophesy has my attention - at least until it's 2013. lol But I remember a documentary about Nostradamus that was really interesting. They were proving that many of his prophesies had already come to pass, like WW I, and Hitler and WW II. It was really thought-provoking. :-)

    1. Hi Lexa, Right! 2013 makes it completely obsolete. He is a fascinating character in history. Thanks so much for popping over to share your thoughts with us! We love to hear them : ) ~ F

  15. I found this post intriguing. And loved reading all the comments. Well can we wait and see the December 2012 prophesy and see if it is true?

    1. Hi Nas, So did we! Thanks so much for stopping by! Great to hear from you : ) ~ F

  16. I think all the prophecies that relate to the end of the world are interesting. I don't believe any of them, but I think it's interesting there are people who do. For me the obvious explanation is that we all die, and that, indeed is the end of the world as we know it.

    1. Hi Bish, No matter how you look at it, really. Prophecies have been fun to explore this week! Thanks so much for stopping by : ) ~ F

  17. Oh, and Jess, you won something on my blog! Come see.

    1. Hi Bish, Cool! Thanks! I just checked it out- excellent prize and I love knowing that an invisible fairy noticed my name- makes my day, really! ~ F

  18. You know, there are so many prophecies out there, but I can't think of one that catches my attention except for Nostradamus. I spent years looking into his life and prophecies.

    1. Donna- I bet you learned a lot researching his life and prophecies! Wow! ~L


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!