
Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday's Riddle! What was that???

Hello, Riddlers! Well, it's almost Halloween, and New England is having another "surprise!" storm. We hope everyone is safe and breezes through the wicked weather. Can you guess the theme this week? Be sure to check back over the next few days- it's sure to be a hauntingly, good time ; ) ~ F

A bump in the night shakes you awake. A creaking door opens, and your hands start to shake. But, nothing is there, nor under your bed. You think you're alone, except that voice in your head. Still, there's a charge that moves through the room; a chilly passing of wind or an eerie, green gloom. Who's to say what it is, in the dark of the night? If you're lucky, these spirits will stay out of sight. 

What am I referring to? 

I already gave you a clue!


  1. It's the just has to be...spirits, portals...things that go bump in the night!

  2. I'm guessing the wind! My guessing skills must have sharpened during my blogging haitus, so be ready for me to get every single riddle from now on. :-)

    Good to be back with a freshened brain.

  3. The wind shouldn't bump. Unless it's a tree branch. A thunderstorm?

  4. Have to say ghosts! Although the wind is picking up here and moaning around my house right now!

  5. As we are waiting and watching sandy..all I can think of is WIND!
    stay safe!

  6. Satan and his minions are messing with you, better call that name above all other names--JESUS!!!

  7. Oh, man, I'm terrible at riddles. I'm going to guess thunder and lightning. The word 'charge' seems like it stands out, so I thought of lightning. And thunder would cause the whole house to shake!

    Please stay safe through Frankenstorm. Freaky Frankenstorm.

  8. Absolutely - ghosts!
    I hope everyone is safe.

  9. Another fabulous riddle! I'll guess... wind?
    Stay safe - our thoughts and prayers are with you! <3

  10. Excellent guessing everyone! The answer will haunt you : ) ~ F

  11. I have to think it's ghosts or spirits.


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