
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Answer to Monday's Riddle! Another View for You!

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Thanks to my awesome dad for dropping his hint. The riddle is about perspective. We all know our own story. Every moment is recorded and shaped by each individual imagination. However, life comes with so many different points of view. What would it all look like collectively? I would love to conduct an experiment where every human being takes 360 degree photo of their point of view at the same time, and then patch them all together; sort of like google earth, but instead, it would be something like google us- lol! I wonder what the big picture would look like? A whimsical Monet? A brilliant Picasso? I imagine that it would be absolutely fascinating and beautiful! The theme this week focuses on stories that we all know, but told from another perspective. Lizzy is reviewing an interesting book tomorrow that twists a classic fairy tale, revealing another dimension to the familiar scene-  you could say that the shoe will be on the other foot : ) ~ F

We all know them well, these stories of old. Time and again, they are forever told. To hear it once more can open the door, then the tale is shaped from the tell of the lore. At the stroke of midnight, when Cinderella lost her slipper is as commonly known as the grand, old Big Dipper. But what of the others? It is a scene after all. Who else watched what happened at Prince Charming's ball? What did the huntsman think of Snow White? Who watched as she took that fateful bite? There is one simple key hidden behind this mystery, just try to see it all through our collective history.   

What is the theme this week? Classic tales told from another point of view


  1. Great theme. Some have been masterfully rewritten.

    1. M Pax- So glad you like the theme. Hope you will enjoy the week! ~L

  2. What a fantastic theme this week!

    1. Thanks, Angela! We are having lots of fun with the theme this week. :) ~L

  3. Ah, perspective. Of course. The Rashomon effect! Great.

  4. Awesome riddle and theme this week. I like the Fairday's dad wrote the riddle. Cool.

    1. Thanks, Flex! Fairday's dad is the best. He is always making me laugh and I thought his riddle was very clever. :) ~L

  5. Interesting. You had the answer right in front of me, and I didn't see it.


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