
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Answer to Monday's Riddle! A Treasure to Behold

Patty nailed it! Great guesses everyone! Be sure to check out Lizzy's review tomorrow (Wed.) I thought my clue was funny- something you really dig,  LOL! (I'm somewhat of a dork : ) ~ F

An Aztec turquoise-mosaic mask, c. A.D. 
1400-1521, in the British Museum.

I'm lost then found, dug up from the ground- something to save or hide away in a cave. I can re- write history or open up a new mystery. My value is set in your own clear mind. It all depends on what you find. 

What am I? 
Answer: Archeological/ buried treasure 


  1. Oh, very cool. :) I'm terrible at riddles, and it always seems so obvious after I learn the answer.

    1. Hi Cate, Thanks for stopping by! Don't they though- I feel the same way- lol! I can write them, but Lizzy is way better at figuring out riddles than I am : ) ~ F

  2. Hi Heidi, They pop up in my head! Lizzy swears that I think in rhyme : ) Thanks for stopping by, great to hear from you! ~ F

  3. I wonder if a university in my area is offering a Riddle 101 this summer.

    1. LOL! I would totally want to take that class : ) ~ F


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