
Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's Riddle! Harmony in Silence...

I think this riddle is brilliant : ) Good luck, everyone! ~ F

Speak out, and I am there. But to you, I have no inflection- just a spark that makes a connection. I can shake the walls if brought to anger. I can tell someone when you're in danger. I can break a heart or act a part. I can sing to the birds. I can carry your words. We will always be the same, you and I- when you are happy, I laugh, and when you are sad, I cry. A team, forever bound, whether or not you even make a sound. 

What am I? 

Check back later if you need to get a clue...


  1. This is beautiful, but sooo tough! I wanted to say "your voice" . . . that ending though. Now I'm not so certain. ;)

  2. I have no idea, I've always been rubbish at riddles :D

    But I'm glad I found your awesome blog :) Good luck in the contest at Lee's blog!

    Oh, by the way, I totally LOVE the spider! Even though I hate spiders in real life :D


    1. Hi Kurt- Riddles can definitely be tricky.

      Thanks for stopping by and following the blog. So happy that you like it! Thanks for the good luck, too.

      How cool that you like the spider, me too!! At least it isn't real. :)

  3. I agree voice.
    Tag, your it! You have been tagged to answer a few friendly questions :D to check it out, go here

    1. Thanks, Cricket! We will post our questions and answers soon!


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