
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gollywhopper Games

Hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July! I love watching fireworks... so magical! I know Fairday is still away on her vacation. I can't wait to see the riddle she will have next week!

I just got back from a mini-vacation with my family and I read the Gollywhopper Games by Jody Feldman. It is a fascinating book about a boy named Gil who enters a contest in which he has to solve a lot of puzzles and riddles. I really enjoyed testing my riddle skills and seeing if I could solve the riddles, too. A very fast read- I read it at the beach. If anyone else has read it- let me know what you think. If you have any other book suggestions- please post them. I want to read as much as possible this summer!

Happy Reading!



  1. Sounds like a good book! Another good book is The Seasons by Sarah Maclean. An interesting book that's not to long and has a mixture of mystery and other genres!


  2. Sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out.

  3. You know, I think that sounds like a great summer treat. I wonder if there's a large queue at the library. Thank you so much for keeping readers in touch with their inner child!

  4. L- You didn't even tell me you were reading that! I definitely want to check it out- thanks ~F

  5. Hey Lizzy- I'm reading Animorphs (Book 1) right now- it was recommended to me by my friend Willem over the 4th of July weekend-It's about a group of kids who can morph into animals and use their powers to save the world from a secret alien invasion. It's pretty cool so far-

  6. S.E.- I checked out The Season online. It looks interesting- I really like historical fiction. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Cat- It is! Fun puzzles/riddles interwoven into the story.

    Ellen- I know a lot of libraries have The Gollywhopper Games. At the library I checked it out from there were 5 copies. :)

    F- I read it so quickly, I didn't have time to mention it. I just finished Stolen Children by Peg Kehret today. Fascinating. I will write a review of it soon!! I told you- this summer I am a reading machine.

    Marcus- I have heard of the Animorphs series, but have never read one. Maybe I will have to add that to my summer list!

    Thanks guys!


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