
Monday, January 15, 2024

New Scene. New Sights to See.

Recently, the universe decided I needed change, and it made it so. Transition can be challenging, and I've done enough adulting to last a lifetime, but once dust settles, vision clears. My daily scene is different now, though some things are the same. Stephanie has her majestic pond, and I have a street to explore. It's filled with eclectic sights, and runs parallel to the Housatonic river. Change is swift when it comes; with open hearts and eyes we find the light playing in and all around us. Here's a peek into my new world...

Rainbow Ride finally realized in a proper circle. 

Her Highness chilling in the mood lighting.
I popped a moon flower seed in this pot. I hope it blooms!

Caught this rainbow playing with my house faerie.
Found this magical crystal ball amethyst treasure at The Ruby Tree in Woodbury, CT (a good reason to shop at local eclectic shops, that's where you find these stunning, unique artworks. This one was waiting for me.)

Sharky is still suspicious. 
Morning walk.
In December, we visited Barnes and Noble in Waterbury. As always, we had a great time talking to readers and spending time with the awesome staff there. 
Wishing all of our readers peace, love, and abundance in the new year! 


  1. Still very colorful though! At least you have a nice place to walk.

  2. Hi Jess - it looks to be a great place to live ... with lots of interest around - but your home looks beautiful - I love all the art works and the mood lighting ... fun! Enjoy and enjoy watching life unfold as the year progresses and yes - Happy New Year - cheers Hilary

  3. I find change scary, and love that you are focusing on the colourful, whimsical, beautiful positives.

  4. You've decorated so beautifully. And I love the frozen water shot.

  5. I'm glad you're adjusting to your new world and views. I don't do great with transitions either.

  6. Hello and Happy New Year Wishes.
    I enjoyed the photographs from your walk ... lovely.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. Yay, cats! Nice photos. I hope the new year brings renewal opportunities aplenty.

  8. Uy el gatito y los paisajes. Me encantaron. Te mando un beso.

  9. Me gusto la foto del gato. Bellas fotos de los paisajes. Te mando un beso.

  10. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing, loved all the amethyst photos.

  11. Thanks for all the great wishes and comments. I am loving my new place. So happy my kitties and I are settled in and getting into a lovely, peaceful routine. :)


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