
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Margo's Musings: What's the Hurry?

My sister, Margo, loves sloths. They are pretty cute! So of course she spotted Sloth at the Zoom when we went to our town library last week. 

Sloth is supposed to be going to the zzzzzoo to relax and take it easy. But she accidentally gets dropped off at the zoom. Instead of taking naps all day, Sloth is watching animals rushing around. She can't believe her eyes. After she's been there a while she is ready to try to make some friends. But all the other animals never stop, and their speed makes conversation hard. Sloth doesn't understand "busy" and prefers to spend time listening to the leaves rustling and the sound of the wind. It seems like everyone is too busy to get to know her. When Sloth meets Snail they are actually able to have a conversation. It's slow, but neither of them seems to care. Will the two become friends? Will the other animals ever stop and take a break so they can all get to know each other? What will happen if they don't?

Orbie's illustrations were perfect for the story. The colors were great and the sky and foliage looked so pretty. Sloth won me over with her cuteness, and I thought the dialogue was easy to follow. Margo loved looking at the pictures of the different animals. While my sister pointed at the pictures of the animals being busy, thinking they were funny, it made me reflect on how sad it is to rush through life. There is so much to be gained from simply sitting and listening to the world around you. It can be good for the mind and soul! I would definitely go to the zzzzzoo over the zoom!

This a book that can be enjoyed by kids and adults. It would be a good reminder to adults that there are lots of benefits to stopping and listening. I think parents should give their kids plenty of time to observe the world, and I'm lucky mine do! This is a great addition to a any classroom or library.

Have you read Sloth at the Zoom? Or have you read another book by Helaine Becker? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy reading!


  1. Given the popularity of sloths I can see lots of people wanting this book. That it has such a wonderful message at its heart is a bonus.

  2. Sloths and zooms seem so very incongruous. What a fun book.

  3. This looks delightful! Thanks for the tip!

  4. This sounds a fun book ...

    All the best Jan

  5. Good on you and your sis for using the library.
    ZOOM sounds like a fun read with an important lesson to parents and adults in general.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. This sounds like a good book with a message.

  7. Hi F - gorgeous idea ... Sloth, snails and zoom - sounds a delightful read ... what fun - cheers Hilary

  8. Totally charming. It will be a gift for one of my kids.

  9. So cute! My daughter loves sloths, so she would love this book, even though she's almost 21! LOL!

    Great illustrations! Love the message. too.

  10. Super cute! I can see myself reading this as part of a storytime. I think all the kids want are animal books. I love sloths too so this would be fun. It has a nice message in a world where everyone is busy it is nice to slow down every once in a while.

  11. Thanks for all the comments. I agree- sloths are so popular right now that this book is sure to be a hit. It is definitely cute and has a good message. :) ~F


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