
Monday, January 6, 2020

Fairday's Riddle: Goo Who?

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme? Finding emotional connections enhances this unique experience. 😃~ F

What's the sum of your cells? A sense of you that seeks and dwells. Many glom onto few— they are them, we, and who. Up and down, charm and strange, top and bottom rearrange. Stuff for thought is story bound—cast with characters lost aground. Glassy humor in thick light reveals truth by insight. An interactive state of goo that feels things the same as you.

What am I referring to? Stop by Friday for the answer. 
I gave you a clue!


  1. Hi DMS - goo who ... maybe, but none comes into my little grey mind. Happy New Year and I'll be seeing you Friday - to find out who is goo ... cheers Hilary

  2. Was thinking of DNA at first, but I'm really stumped. Have a lovely week.

  3. I'll be back Friday to see what I missed. Lots of ideas but none that fit all the clues. Sigh.
    Happy 2020!

  4. You say you gave us a clue - but I missed it. Colour me confuddled.

  5. Do you know!!!
    I haven't a clue !!!

    Look forward to finding out later this week.

    All the best Jan

  6. Umm DNA? Umm what rhymes with clue? You know...poo? I've got no clue.

  7. This is a very tough one!! Even with the clue I'm still confused!


  8. I really have no idea. This is the hardest riddle I've seen on your blog. But it's so cleverly worded, I enjoyed it. I'll be back Friday to find out.

  9. Honestly I dont have idea!! Beats me. I will come Friday!! hugs

  10. Primordial ooze? DNA? Glop? You've stumped me.

  11. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ~ F


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