
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Answer to Fairday's Riddle: Tree Speak...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers. We'll be traipsing through talking trees next week. Tune in Monday for Lizzy's book review and find out how the answer ties into the story. See you all around the book block. ~ F

A canopy view from above; cooing song of brushy dove. Stick and move in subtle ways, branching out through sun and haze. Weeping willow, fir, oak, beech; who hears their secret silent speech? Shwooshing, pattering, tinkling words are carried on the wings of birds.

What am I referring to? Answer: Trees!

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations


  1. Good one! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Missed it; thought it was leaves LOL :)


  3. Guess I better make like a tree and leave

  4. Hi DMS - obvious ... yet bowers have lots of intertwined trees ... but trees are wonderful - cheers Hilary

  5. It was trees!
    I got it wrong … but never mind :)

    All the best Jan


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