
Monday, August 26, 2019

Margo's Musings: Arnie the Doughnut

Homemade doughnuts are a special treat at our house. My dad uses my grandma’s recipe and they are the best! He made some the other day right before we headed to the library. I think that’s what made my little sister, Margo, selected Arnie the Doughnut. The cover is definitely colorful! Plus, I know Margo was thinking the frosting looked tasty. I don’t know if she was expecting the book to be so funny or to actually feel bad for doughnuts.

Arnie is so excited to be a doughnut. The process of being made was fabulous, and he’s proud of the doughnut he has become. Arnie can’t wait to get selected by someone and is beyond thrilled when a man named Mr. Bing takes him home. Arnie is sure they will become great friends, which is why he is shocked when Mr. Bing tries to eat him. Agh! Arnie has to call and warn the baker and the other doughnuts. Will they listen? Will Mr. Bing eat him? Or can Arnie convince him to do something else with him besides devour him?  If Mr. Bing doesn’t eat Arnie- what will he do with him? 

Arnie the Doughnut by Laurie Keller is a funny book with an ending I didn’t expect. Mr. Bing and Arnie are quite a duo. The book has pictures with lots of details and an interesting style. It’s a book you can read again and again; each time finding something new you missed. When we brought the book back to the library we saw a series of chapter books staring Arnie: The Adventures of Arnie the Doughnut. The books are in black and white, but there are drawings inside and Margo has already asked to borrow one.  

Has anyone else read Arnie the Doughnut? Or have you read another book by Laurie Keller? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Listen to Chris O’Dowd reading Arnie the Doughnut on Storyline Online here!

Happy reading!
~ F

We're on a short blog break. We'll be back next week with more riddles and book reviews. 😀 


  1. It sounds like a heap of fun.
    Arnie would be perfectly safe here. I don't really like donuts.

    1. EC- I will have to tell him to find your house. A safe place is needed. :) ~F

  2. Arnie would be safe here if he's a cake donut.
    Eventually Arnie would go bad some I'm wondering what else Mr. Bing could do with him.

    1. Alex- I am hoping he finds a way to keep him from going bad. :) ~F

  3. This sounds really funny. Good to see things from a donut's point of view once in a while! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Hi DMS - this sounds positively delightful - anything to bring lots of joy and laughter into our reading. Arnie be safe here too ... but I kinda wonder how he'll be saved ... preserved for posterity? Looks fun - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- I am wondering how he will be preserved as well. I will have to read the rest of the books to find out. :) ~F

  5. Sounds like a fun book. And I bet kids would love to try to make homemade ones.

    1. Natalie- You are right! A fun and tasty way to end the reading of the book. :) ~F

  6. It must be hard to have a doughnut and not eat it. It sounds like a fun series. Thanks for the review!

    1. Cherie- I would imagine it would be hard too- unless it was a flavor I didn't like. :) ~F

  7. haha gotta be a hard life when you find out your ultimate purpose. Not going stale might be another hurdle.

  8. I liked what Pat Hatt said, LOL. Intriguing plot though!


  9. I need to read it now. I have only read Ned the Scone.

    1. Powdered Toast Man- You should definitely read it. Especially since Arnie could be related to Ned. :) ~F

  10. What a fun idea. Now, I want to know what happens to the doughnut.

  11. Certainly sounds a fun book :)

    All the best Jan

  12. These books sound fantastic! So much fun! Love the illustrations! Big Hugs!

    1. Magic Love Crow- Aren't the illustrations interesting! So much to look at and take in. Glad you enjoyed them! :) ~F

  13. What a cute book! Love it.

  14. What a cute book ! I missed come here!!xo

    1. Gloria- It really is cute! Hope you are doing well. Always love your tasty recipes. :) ~F

  15. I love doughnuts. Homemade. Oh my...

    Cute series.

    1. The Armchair Squid- Homemade ones are the best! :) ~F

  16. Not in a million years would I have thought a doughnut could be an interesting character and yet here we have Arnie who sounds like such a fun character. I also love (as I'm sure children will) the mild peril ... Will the baker and the other doughnuts listen?. Will Mr. Bing eat him? ... great stuff.

    1. Felicity Grace- Isn't it amazing when authors can make a character we weren't expecting at all. I thought this book was very clever. :) ~F

  17. That looks like a fun book! Love the illustrations.


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