
Friday, June 21, 2019

Answer to Fairday's Riddle: Rest in a Nest!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're peeping at nests. Tune in Monday for Lizzy's book review and find out how the answer ties into the story. See you all around the book block. ~ F

Set high, twigs and bits, guarding that which fits and sits. Peeps waiting for their flight call on mom to bring a bite. Tucked in safe, living free, mostly found in a tree. 

What am I referring to? Answer: Nest!
Riddle clue

Make time to riddle and rhyme!
62 original riddles and illustrations


  1. I lost this one but I love the word NEST!!

  2. Got it; looking forward to how it all ties together!


  3. Good one! Have a great weekend, hugs Valerie

  4. Hi DMS - sounds a bit more like an action phrase: 'rest in a nest' ... but anything cosying in and keeping warm and protected suits me - cheers Hilary

  5. I'm seeing lots of birds nests in the tree's around here. It's that time of year.

  6. My mom has had two clutches hatch in a basket next to her front door this summer. We have family daily updates. It's so fun!

  7. Yay!
    Hope your weekend has been wondrous.

  8. Good one and I love the two pictures in your post.

    All the best Jan


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