
Monday, November 12, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: Time to Party!

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? There are so many ways to celebrate this fun event. 😉 ~ F

Once a year this shall come, starting count at day one. A merry-go-round of laughs and cries circles back to old new eyes. Manifestations born in time are celebrated by yours and mine. Blowing candles and festive song mark the date you came along. 

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!


  1. Hi DMS - has to be the birthing day ... and if it's one of yours Happy Birthday day week and many more for us all - cheers Hilary

  2. Birthday! Even I got that one right away.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  5. It's got to be birthdays!!!

    All the best Jan

  6. Birthday :D Awesome riddle, as always. <3 Love that you share so many riddles all the time :D They are all awesome.


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