
Monday, October 8, 2018

Fairday's Riddle: Head Deep In...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Moving to Connecticut made me realize how absolutely spectacular and magical they really are, especially this time of year. 😉 ~ F

Shadowy lights and flickering greens— buzzing vibes from things unseen. A sudden chaos of changing lines is conjured up by natural signs. Walk a path with eyes to see and that which dwells appears to thee. Mushrooms gather in a bunch, hearing insects move and munch. A crow shifts swiftly through the trees; fragrant petals wave to bees. A stillness space stuck in motion—here is not the salty ocean. 

Where are you? Stop by Wednesday for the answer.

I gave you a clue!


  1. A forest. At first I thought of the Northern Lights because they're green and shifting. But then came the mushrooms.

  2. I believe you'd be in a forest.

  3. Hi DMS - I'd say the forest floor ... and now I wait to find out - have a good week - Hilary

  4. In the woods with fallen leaves and acorns. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Forest from me too. Beautiful places.

  6. The deep, dark woods. Blah, head deep there enough lol

  7. I don't know? LOL! I will say a forest!

  8. I'm going along with the others, forest/woods. :)

  9. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  10. I somehow missed this!
    Never mind …

    All the best Jan

  11. I would say forest, but not really because I see how that can be, haha :D I love the riddle, though. <3


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