
Friday, September 14, 2018

Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story

Will, Sergio, Aimee, and Naheed live in different parts of the United States, but their lives intersect at an airport on September 9th. They're all at the same airport, but each is caught up in their own worlds. Then we follow along through their daily lives on September 9th and 10th. Learning about their struggles and the things they’re worried about makes the reader care about each character. Will lives in Pennsylvania and has spent the last year trying to live without his dad, who died in a car accident. Sergio is angry at his absentee father, and the streets of New York City help him blend in when he decides to ditch school. Moving to California is hard on Aimee, who is upset that her mom is away in New York City on business and not there for her on her first day at a new school. Naheed has just started middle school in Ohio and, for the first time in her life, is feeling self conscious about the head scarf she wears as part of her faith. When the events of September 11th begin to unfold, each experiences what happens in a big way. How will their lives be impacted?

Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story by Nora Raleigh Baskin is a book that tells the story of September 11th in a way that middle grade children can understand. You get to see the evens through the eyes of the four kids, and it’s told as tastefully as possible, while still giving the facts. I like how this book brought to light the historical events of September 11th because anyone who is 17 or younger has no memory of the events on that day.  All of the kids seemed realistic to me and I liked getting to know each of them. Learning about the days leading up to the tragedy was a unique way to understand more about the events of September 11th. I would recommend this to kids and adults from fourth grade and up. I especially recommend it for parents and kids to read this one together and have some important discussions. I’ve read other books by Nora Raleigh Baskin and enjoyed them, and I look forward to reading more of her books.

Has anyone else read Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story? Or have you read another book by Nora Raleigh Baskin? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Reading!


  1. Tough subject but it impacted everyone and kids need to know about it.

  2. Replies
    1. Gloria- It is and a good way to introduce kids to a tough topic. ~F

  3. Sounds like a great book. Have a good weekend,hugs, Valerie

  4. It does sound good. I really like the inclusion of a Muslim. An American too.

  5. I haven't read it but it sounds like a good story.

    1. Mary- It is a fast read and very interesting. ~F

  6. A good way to help kids know is a win.

  7. I like the premise and the mix up of characters. Because after all every type of characters were involved somehow or other.

  8. "Anyone who is 17 or younger has no memory of that day." Wow. I hadn't really thought about that, but of course you're right. In fact, few who are 20 will remember it.

    1. Lark- You are right. At 20 they were only a few years old when it happened. ~F

  9. It's so surreal to think that there are people who have no memory of this monumentous day and all that happened in it. It's good that there are informative children books out there which is understandable to their age needs! We were watching documentaries about survivor's experiences and tales recently.

    My recent post:

    1. Olivia- This is a great way to introduce what happened on September 11th to kids. Many kids today know nothing about it. ~F

  10. This sounds like an excellent book!!! Well done to the writer!

  11. That looks to be a really good idea for a book about what happened, but also highlighting the information ... thanks for letting us know about Nora - cheers Hilary

  12. This one seems pretty important and awesome :) So glad you enjoyed it a bunch lovely. <3 Stunning review, as always :)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the review. :) Definitely an important story!


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