Friday, February 9, 2018

Where Will Edward Tulane's Journey Take Him?

A china rabbit named Edward Tulane lives on Egypt Street with a girl named Abilene. Abilene dresses Edward in the finest clothes and treats him with tenderness. When her family takes a journey on the Queen Mary, she insists that Edward comes too. Unfortunately, this is when Edward gets tossed overboard and spends most of the next year face down at the bottom of the ocean. Oh how he wishes he could see the stars again. When Edward is finally fished out of the sea, he's taken to the home of a couple who thinks he's a girl rabbit. His name is changed and so are his clothes. This won’t be the last stop on Edward’s travels, nor will it be his last new name. Each person he encounters will leave their mark on his heart. Each step of the way he is learning to love. But is loving someone worth it? Is it possible for a china rabbit’s heart to break? Will Edward find his way back to Abilene? You’ll have to read this tale to find out!

I have read quite a few books by Kate DiCamillo, but I wasn’t sure what The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane would be about. I don't know many stories from a doll’s point of view, so it was fascinating to hear Edward’s take on the world. I liked seeing the different people who adopted Edward and the impact they had on him. He truly was on an adventure from the moment he left Egypt Street. Because Edward was a silent observer, his life felt out of his control- after all, he couldn’t move or talk. It was interesting to see how he went from one owner to the next and what the journey entailed. I especially liked how Edward’s heart seemed to grow as he learned to love. I have to say that I thought the story was going to end with a specific twist that didn’t come, but the end was still satisfying. I would recommend this book to people in grades three and up who like books with animals or toys as the main characters. The illustrations throughout the book are beautiful and really add to the story. 

Has anyone else read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane? Or have you read another book by Kate DiCamillo? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. Sure sounds like a good one. A neat premise indeed. Even if one gets assumed to be a girl rabbit lol

    1. Pat- It is definitely an interesting premise! :) ~L

  2. Like the Velveteen Rabbit taking a journey.

    1. Alex- Yes! Except he leaves before he is ragged and worn. :) ~L

  3. Sounds great, and what a fun idea to see the world from Edward's viewpoint. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- I thought it was interesting! :) ~L

  4. We haven't read this one but it sounds good.

    1. Lisa- It has a lot of depth to it for sure. :) ~L

  5. What a neat idea for a story. I do like Kate DiCamillo's novels, but can't think of one at the moment

    1. Beverly- I had heard a lot about this one, so I had to pick it up. :) ~L

  6. This is a really creative idea, and I'm definitely going to pass this on for my granddaughter to check out! Hugs...RO

    1. Ro- I hope your granddaughter enjoys it. :) ~L

  7. I love this author’s books! This one sounds sad yet lovely!

    1. Patty- She does have a lot of great books. :) ~L

  8. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing! <3 -

  9. This sounds like a great story! Poor Edward - must be tough to have no control like that!

    1. Jemi- It would be so hard not to be able to control where you are looking or how you are moving! :) ~L

  10. This sounds like a very sweet story.
    Enjoy your weekend--I know you will:)

    1. Sandra- The story gives readers a lot to think about. Hope your weekend was lovely too! :) ~L

  11. Aw, what an intriguing premise. It sounds a bit heartbreaking too, but I'd like to read. I've read two or three books by this author, I believe. She's good!


    1. Lauren- Kate has a lot of books, that's for sure! It is definitely a little heartbreaking- but a story that makes you think. :) ~L

  12. I haven't read it but it sure looks like something I'd enjoy.

    1. Lux- If you get to read it- I hope you like it. :) ~L

  13. Oh that sounds really interesting. I haven't read a book from a dolls perspective since I was a kid. I think The Velveteen Rabbit might have been the last one that might be from a doll or stuffed animals perspective that I read.

    1. Mary- I was trying to think of books I have read from a doll's or stuffed animal's perspective. Not many came to mind! :) ~L

  14. Heidi- A unique story for sure. :) ~L

  15. Ha, I love the premise of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

  16. Lovely review sweetie :D Yay for enjoying this book a lot. <3 Not for me, but looks so cute even so. But aw, not getting the ending you were hoping for is such a disappointment, lol :) But glad you still liked it. <3

    1. Carina- Glad you enjoyed the review. I thought I knew how the book would end, but sometimes writers throw us a curve. :) ~L

  17. When I read the synopsis I was so confused for a while until I realised that Edward was a doll! What a unique perspective for a story. It makes me think about Toy Story a little :) Great review!

    1. Olivia-Savannah- I agree that there are similarities to Toy Story. The sad and different part is that Edward cannot move his own arms and legs (even when people aren't around). But- he can talk to other dolls. ~L


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