
Friday, January 26, 2018

Lost and Found by Andrew Clements

When sixth graders Ray and Jay Grayson move to a new town in Ohio they pretty much know what to expect. They’ll have each other; after all, they’re twins. And no one will be able to tell them apart, since they’re identical. Even their own parents have to do the “freckle test” every once in a while. On their first day of school, Ray isn’t feeling well and has to stay home. So Jay goes alone, along with a note from his mom explaining Ray’s absence, which he’ll turn in during home room. Only, when the teacher calls attendance, Ray’s name isn’t on the list, only Jay’s. Jay figures maybe it was an oversight. But, Ray isn’t in any class. When he sees his file on a teacher’s desk he knows there has been a mix-up, his file is way too big. The school thinks there is only one Grayson boy. Maybe this is an opportunity for Ray and Jay? It’s definitely strange to be at school without his twin brother, especially since in the past no one has been able to tell them apart, and their matching names only made things trickier. But at the new school no one is confused about which twin they are talking to, and Jay actually feel like a real person. When he gets home he tells Ray about the day, and how it felt to have kids talk to him and see him as an individual. They hatch a plan where they'll alternate who will stay home, so that they each get to experience life outside of being a twin- just for a week. Can the boys pull off their plan? What kind of trouble will they be in when all is revealed? Are they good enough actors to make people believe they're one person? You will have to read this book to find out!

I have read and enjoyed many books by Andrew Clements, so I was excited to read Lost and Found. It was a lot of fun! Once I found out what the twins were planning I couldn’t wait to see how everything played out. Their plan was interesting, and I loved seeing the way they each handled things when they were acting as Jay. Definitely a tricky situation- especially when they went out in public with their parents! Ray and Jay are seen by most people as the same person, since they are identical. But, through this experiment, we really got to see how unique they are. They have their own skills and like different things after all. I think this book will appeal to anyone who likes realistic fiction and a little mischief. A fast and entertaining read!

Have you read Lost and Found? Or have you read another book by Andrew Clements? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. I loved Frindle! I would read it to my second graders! I love the way his characters are portrayed.

    1. Patty- Isn't Frindle a fun one! I loved it. Clements did a great job developing the characters in Lost and Found. :) ~L

  2. We the Children (Benjamin Pratt & the Keepers of the School) is the only Clements book I've read thus far. It's more of a mystery with a good vs evil vibe.

    1. Brenda- That is one of the only ones of his that I haven't read. I have seen it around- but it does look very different from his other books. :) ~L

  3. Sounds like a great story. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Replies
    1. Dezmond- Trouble is right around the corner, that is for sure! :) ~L

  5. This sounds a good story, thanks.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. I haven't read it but it sounds good.

  7. Sounds like a fun one indeed. Ray and Jay with a rhyme, works all the time.

    1. Pat- And their full names are: Ray Jay Grayson and Jay Ray Grayson! :) ~L

  8. Great review sweetie :) I'm glad you ended up enjoying this book a whole bunch. It sounds like fun :D

  9. I can see how identical twins could have problems like this. Love their idea. Hope it worked for them.

    1. Beverly- I can totally understand how being seen as the same person would be difficult and how tempting it would be to try something like this! :) ~L

  10. What a great story idea! When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a twin. An identical twin. I imagined all the pranks we could play on teachers. (Yes, this from a basically shy, polite, never-in-trouble-at- school little girl.) But this is much more original — finally being seen for oneself. Great plot, and I know Clements is such a good writer. This goes on my TBR list.

    1. Elizabeth- Clements is a great writing and this story really came to life. Definitely helped me see into "twinville". :) ~L

  11. Ok, this sounds kind of amazing. I actually had an idea for a 'twin-some' fun tale, so I think I might need to check this one out despite the age-gap. haha

    1. Robert- I think you will enjoy this one- despite the age gap. :) ~L

  12. Freckle test! LOL! Sounds like a really fun book!

    1. Magic Love Crow- I know! Amazing to only have one physical difference from another human being! :) ~L

  13. A Week in the Woods is one of my favorite books of all time. Troublemaker is also great. I LOVE the plot of Lost and Found. I'll have to read this one too <3

    1. Adriana- I enjoyed A Week in the Woods. I think I still need to read Troublemaker though- so thanks for the reminder. :) ~L

  14. This sounds like a lot of fun. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the post.

    1. Rosi- I think you will really enjoy it! :) ~L


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