
Friday, October 13, 2017

Will the Goblins Get the Rainbow?

This week, we're featuring a book that I came across because of my parents' love for music and art. The Rainbow Goblins by Ul De Rico is in the spotlight today. The band Primus recently released a new album based on this story, and I had never heard of it before! It's a wonderful fairy tale, and being set to music makes the scenes come to life. I'm delighted by the mixed media of illustration, story, and music. What a great way to paint a picture in the mind's eye. The vibes are deep and textured, and this is a book that will definitely be added to my private collection.

My family listened to the chapters online, read by the character, Christopher P. Bacon. It was a delight to hear the words, then sit back and imagine the story to music. The illustrations and songs pluck the strings of imagination, but they might be a little scary. My two year old sister, Margo, is very brave and curious about things, so she loved it, but have a listen before you share it with a youngster. My whole family enjoyed every bit, and we devoured it all. :)

What happens when seven goblins plot to invade the valley of the rainbow and catch colors in their lassos to eat? Each is hungry for its own color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and each is wanting to fill its belly with the creamy deliciousness of a rising rainbow.

After a thunderstorm passes, the goblins dream of the feast that awaits. But underestimating flower power in the magical valley may lead the greedy goblins into a trap.

What will happen to the rainbow if the goblins devour its colors and desaturate the land until it's cold and gray? How will the rainbow escape their insatiable appetites for its tantalizing spectrum? You'll have to read (or listen!) to this brilliant story to find out!

This book is the sequel to The White Goblin, and I'm interested to read that story too. It has been a long time since I've stumbled upon a fairy tale that's new to me, and I'm delighted to have found this one. It even inspired fan art. Thanks to the band Primus for introducing it to me!

Has anyone else read The Rainbow Goblins by Ul De Rico? Or have you listened to the album The Desaturating Seven by Primus. We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!
~ F
Inspired fan art: The Rainbow Goblins
Listen to the chapters from the book!


  1. Primus! Why does that not surprise me it would be them? I've seen them in concert - they are one quirky band.

  2. Wow. Thank you so much for introduction of this book. It's a good reading not only for me but also for all my kids..

  3. I haven't read it, but it sounds like a wonderful story. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. The artwork looks great. Sounds like a good one indeed.

  5. Any book with Goblins in the title is sure to get my attention. This sounds like a truly wonderful story - I shall be certain to come back and watch the video you have so kindly shared when I have a bit more time.

  6. The artwork looks wonderful, but I appreciate your words about listening before sharing with a youngster.

    All the best Jan

  7. Nice artwork. Have a lovely weekend.

  8. They sound right up my very broad alley. Thank you.

  9. The story sounds fascinating. I've never heard of it, but I love fairy tales so would most likely enjoy this one. Thanks for telling us about it. Have a great weekend.

  10. This is one of my all-time favorite books. The illustrations are simply delicious. When my girls were young, we would spend a lot of time with this wonderful story. Thanks for the reminder.

  11. The illustrations are striking! Seems like an interesting book!


  12. Hi DMS - what a fascinating story and I love the video and music - glad Alex mentioned Primus as the bank ... I didn't know about them - the music is amazing ... so I'm sure the story will be too ...thanks for sharing with us -cheers Hilary

  13. Awesome. I first saw Primus when they toured with U2 a looooooooong time ago.

  14. This sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope your weekend is filled with sparkle.

  15. I haven’t read the Rainbow Goblins or the White Goblin, but I want to. Thanks for the introduction.

  16. This reminds me of the rainbow fairy books I used to read as a child! It also had goblins in it too. Those illustrations look absolutely gorgeous. No wonder it was so easy to enjoy!

  17. The illustrations looks amazing! The book sounds wonderful! Big Hugs!

  18. That art is a bit creepy, yet I like it lots :D Lovely review sweetie. <3 Yay for enjoying this book :D I had not seen it before, but I'm curious now.

  19. I have never read this book but it has a great premise... some of the pictures are scary, most of them are drawn very well to go along with the story... xox

  20. So happy to introduce so many readers to this book and music. :) Thanks for all your lovely comments. We will be back to our individual comments after our book release is complete. :) ~Stephanie and Jess


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