
Friday, September 15, 2017

Can a Wild Robot Find Their Place?

"We're a strange family. But I kind of like it that way." ~Wild Robot by Peter Brown

Five boxes of robots crash into an island after a terrible storm. Only one remains intact. The robot, Roz, emerges. Roz does not know where she is or what she should do, but she begins trying to communicate with the animals. Unfortunately they think she's a monster and they're scared or try to attack her. Roz pays attention and learns the language of the animals. She tries to make friends with them. When an accident leaves her with a gosling that is about to hatch she knows she must do everything in her power to protect the little life. This is how Roz becomes a mother. In her quest to do what she can to give her new son, Brightbill, the best life- she begins to work with the other animals. Still, the rumors of her being a monster follow her. Roz watches Brightbill as he grows up and she connects with other mothers who are raising kids. After her son flies south for the winter Roz and the other animals experience the worst winter on record. It's a time of change in the forest, including the lodges Roz builds for the animals to keep them alive and warm. The island animals grow closer. Spring comes and the birds fly back. The celebration is cut short by robots that have come to reclaim Roz and take her back to the factory where she came from. She does not want to go and the other animals will need to decide if they let her go or if they protect her. Will Roz have to leave the only life she has ever known? Is there a way to stop the “recon” robots who are trying to capture her? You’ll find the answers in this book about a world both different and similar to the one we live in.

Wild Robot by Peter Brown was a very unique book. I really had no idea what to expect when I picked it up, and I was pleasantly surprised by the story. I instantly liked Roz, and my heart went out to her as she tried to make friends with the animals on the island.  She is so kind and only wants to help others, but the animals resist her because she is different. The way Roz was treated makes you think about how ridiculous it is to judge anyone because of the way they look. Instead, actions speak louder than words or looks! One of my favorite parts about the story is the relationship between Roz and her son. When others judge their family for being different, they have a wonderful discussion about what family means. I think anyone from 3rd grade and up should read this book. It is a reminder to be kind and to give people a chance. If we all decided to help others, the world would be a kinder place. I have recently learned this is the first in a series- so I will be on the lookout for the next one soon.

Has anyone else read Wild Robot?  Or have you read another book by Peter Brown?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this one.

Happy Reading!


  1. Sounds like a great read with a different subject matter, I think I will look for this book. Have a nice weekend, Hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- It is a different book and one that makes you think about relationships. :) ~L

  2. It sounds wonderful - and jam packed with lessons we could all take on board.

    1. EC- Wonderful lessons for sure. Roz will make people realize all kinds of things. :) ~L

  3. Sounds like it teaches much along the way, a win any day

    1. Pat- You betcha and a cool robot on top of it. :) ~L

  4. That is a really unique way to tell a very basic but important story.

  5. I read this awhile back and thought it had positive messaging about being kind. Like you, I thought it was a unique perspective to take, that of a robot trying to survive on an island.

    1. Brenda- I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this book. I really liked how unique it was. :) ~L

  6. What a neat idea for a story that also has a wonderful message. I haven't read any of the author's books, but really like the sound of this one. Thanks for the great review.

    1. Beverly- I hope you get a chance to read Wild Robot. :) ~L

  7. This is a pretty fresh idea of r book. Sounds very interesting. Thanks for the review.

    1. Rosi- I love the way you described it! It is definitely a fresh idea. :) ~L

  8. What a sweet plot! I could see myself enjoying this book.


  9. I think this will be a great read.

    All the best Jan

  10. Sounds like a great book, with a great message!

    1. MLC- I think the message is really important in this one. :) ~L

  11. Lovely review sweetie :D I'm glad you liked this book. It looks so awesome. And you make it sound great. I am curious now. How rude :D

    1. Carina- It is a great read and the pictures add a lot to the story too. :) ~L

  12. I really do believe actions speak louder than words, so I am glad to see that so well reflected here. Judging anyone on appearance alone is actually really ridiculous.

    1. Olivia- Savannah- I agree with you. Judging based on appearances is so absolutely ridiculous. Actions say so much more. :) ~L

  13. An interesting twist to have the animals leery of a human because she's "different."


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