
Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday's Riddle: Sticky Vibrations...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? The Begonia House has plenty of these hiding in dark corners. ; ) ~ F

Creeping legs on sticky strings vibrate to buzzing things. Lurking over a crack in the wall, when they drop you won't hear them fall. More eyes than two watch what's spun; if you're not afraid, they're loads of fun. It's true they can be scary, but arachnids are cute, even hairy! 

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer!

I gave you a clue!


  1. I've never been afraid of spiders. They fascinate me. Snakes, however, do not. Give me legs, lots of legs, anytime.

  2. Hi DMS - even I can get this one .. just confirmed via Alex's answer ... those spidery thingummies ... Spiders - cheers Hilary

  3. Spiders. Their webs are so cool to look at. Have a lovely week.

  4. Spiders and their webs. With a little dew on them, the webs make fantastic pictures.

  5. Eeeww...spiders. I think one must have jumped on me when I was a baby. There's no other reason I should be so afraid of them.

  6. Love them. Spiders it is.
    I am with cleemckenzie and much prefer them to snakes.

  7. Spiders...yuck! I had one drop in my hair...I was not amused

  8. Shudders. Spiders. I do not like spiders, haha :D But loved this riddle. <3


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