Friday, August 4, 2017

Can a Video Game Win the War?

12-year-old twins, Claudia and Reese, are at war, with each other. For the record- Claudia is making an oral history (audiobook memory) of it. She wants all the facts laid out, so in the future people will see that she wasn’t wrong for the things she did during “the war”. Of course, there's a dispute over who started the war. But Claudia knows it was Reese when he embarrassed her in front of the whole sixth grade during lunch. Reese didn’t think what  he did was a big deal; it was funny! Either way- the war was on, and these two siblings would go to great heights to get back at each other. As the pranks escalated, Claudia and Reese had to figure out new ways to try to embarrass the other person. After Reese and his friend humiliate Claudia beyond her wildest dreams, she knows she has to destroy them. Is there any way she can use her brother’s love of online video games to ruin his life? Claudia is determined to find out. Who was to blame for the start of the war? Is it right to try to get back at your sibling, and how far is too far? Is there anything their parents can do to stop this war You'll have to read this funny book to find out!

The Tapper Twins Go to War (With Each Other) by Geoff Rodkey was a book I didn’t know much about when I saw it at the library. The format was unique, and I loved hearing from all the people who played a role in the war, like Claudia and Reese's parents, their babysitter, their friends, and of course the twins themselves. The story is told through texts, video game chat logs, screenshots, and narration. Reese and Claudia are an interesting pair of twins because they're different from each other. I like that Reese is more relaxed, and Claudia is certainly driven. As the pranks got out of control I worried a bit about how everything would turn out. The characters have great voice and their antics will make you laugh. As for who started the war (or who won it)-  I think it will be up for each reader to determine. I would recommend this book to anyone in fourth grade and up who is looking for a fast and funny read. I hear there are more books in the series, so I wonder what else Claudia and  Reese will be up to!

Has anyone else read The Tapper Twins Go to War (With Each Other)? Or have you read another book by Geoff Rodkey? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. I have an older brother so there was always a few arguments, but never a war. Which is good, because I would've lost - my brother is the driven, cunning one.

    1. Alex- I can relate to having arguments with an older sibling. Luckily, my brother and I haven't had a war either. :) ~L

  2. Sounds like a fun book. My siblings were all much older than I was, so no big discussions - they ordered, I obeyed! Hugs,

    1. Valerie- Lots of older siblings do like to order the younger ones around. This book was definitely fun- and I am glad to not be part of the war between the Tapper twins. :) ~L

  3. Cute sounding book. For the most part I got along with my siblings. Sometimes my brother and me would gang up on my older sister if she didn't want to play with us.


    1. Betty- It was a fun read. I have never known anyone to have an all our war with a sibling! I am more familiar with experiences like yours. :) ~L

  4. I like the Tapper Twins, although haven't read this one yet, but it sounds like fun.

    1. Brenda- I am looking forward to reading more about the Tapper Twins in other books. :) ~L

  5. Sounds like a fun one. Not sure I went to war with my brother, but I always won lol

  6. My brothers (and the oldest is over 70) continue that war to this day.

  7. Sounds fun. And I know the right age readers would love it!

  8. Looks like a fun book that mg readers will enjoy.

  9. This is the first time I’ve heard about The Tapper Twins, but it certainly sounds like a fun story. I would think it will prove very popular, especially as the story is told through texts, screenshots, etc.,

    1. Barbara- The format is definitely very fun! :) ~L

  10. I haven't read these books but it will be fun to add them to my list.

  11. I haven't heard of this series, but they sound like a fun premise, and good & funny! Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Meradeth- You are welcome! Definitely a funny book. :) ~L

  12. I love the format! My daughter would really enjoy this.

    1. Kelly- I bet she would. The format is very unique! :) ~L

  13. Sibling rivalry is definitely great fodder for a storyteller.

  14. Sounds like a cute series. Your review had me looking up the origin of Reese as I hadn't realized it was a name equally used for boys and girls--learn something new every day!

    1. Marcia- I hadn't heard of Reese being used for a boy before either. It is a very fun book and I look forward to the rest of the series. :) ~L

  15. Just reading this made me laugh out loud and remember how video games often were used in my house to settle ALL KINDS of disputes. Love it!

    1. Robert- Video games can definitely work to settle disputes. Glad the review made you laugh out loud! :) ~L

  16. Sounds like one my kids would enjoy. I will have to look out for it.

  17. This definitely sounds fun.
    I'm sure that the right age readers would absolutely love it ...

    Have a great new week.

    All the best Jan

  18. MG readers would enjoy this story!

  19. Sounds like a fun book! I'm the baby in the family, that's all I'm saying! LOL!

    1. Magic Love Crow- Hopefully as the baby you didn't get in too many arguments with your siblings. :) ~L

  20. Replies
    1. Blodededd- They are not as bad as you think. :) ~L

  21. Yay for liking this one :D Not really my kind of plot, but ahh, the characters sounds adorable. <3 Thank you for sharing about it :) Hugs.

    1. Carina- It was a fun book! The characters were very realistic. :) ~L

  22. I think there will be a lot of kids who will respond well to this one being set up as a video game and in different kind of texts as well. It makes it more interactive and approachable to some people who don't like the classic style of reading so much!


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