
Friday, July 28, 2017

Is the Gold-Bug Part of Book Scavenger?

“Negativity has never been a friend to anyone.” 

Twelve-year-old Emily’s family moves more frequently than the average family. After all, her parents are on a quest to live in all 50 states for their blog. When they move to San Francisco, the home of Emily’s book idol, Garrison Griswold, she is beyond excited to be in the city where her favorite game Book Scavenger was created. She can’t believe it when she finds out her idol has been attacked and is in the hospital. Who would do such a thing? Her new neighbor, James, becomes fast friends with her after they realize that they both love puzzles. James has never played Book Scavenger (a game where people hide books in cities all over the country and leave clues online leading the cleverest people to find them) and when he goes with Emily and her older brother, Matthew, to look for a book they find a special one, The Gold-Bug. The book looks different from any Emily has ever seen, and the weirdest part is even though it's written by Edgar Allen Poe, it's full of mistakes. Are all the copies wrong? Are the mistakes clues? Finding The Gold-Bug makes Emily and James believe they may have stumbled on Garrison Griswold’s latest game, one he never got to announce because he was attacked. Unfortunately, the people who injured Mr. Griswold want the book that Emily has, and they will stop at nothing to get it back. Will Emily and James be able to figure out what the clues they find in The Gold-Bug mean? Can the bad guys actually find Emily and James? Did Garrison Griswold create a game he was never able to announce? Now that Emily has made her first real friend, will she have to say goodbye before she gets to really know him?  You'll have to read this fabulous literary adventure in order to find out!

I didn’t know anything about Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman when I started reading. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the fun book scavenger game that the story centers around, and I think it will appeal to a lot of kids and adults. I also think Emily would be an interesting friend because she loves books like I do and she has lived in a lot of places that I would like to talk to her about. I think Emily’s friend, James, is funny and I appreciate that he is comfortable being who he is and that he doesn’t try to impress others. Reading about Emily and James’s friendship could help kids see that being a friend means listening and doing things your friend likes to do too. The story also included many details about books, the publishing industry, and Edgar Allen Poe’s works. I know this will be a book that kids in fourth grade and up will get into (and people of any age who love books). I look forward to reading the next book in the series!

Has anyone else read Book Scavenger? Or have you read another book by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. It sounds like a heap of fun. And this adult (chronologically speaking) would love to read it.

    1. EC- I bet you would! It was tons of fun and I think a real life book scavenger hunt would be fun too. :) ~L

  2. Hi L - totally agree with EC ... lots of fun to be had by one all ... and something one could do at home with the kids and their friends ... if they were book-oriented ... fun - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- A perfect book for a family to read or for a class to read and then create their own scavenger hunts. :) ~L

  3. Sounds like a wonderful story, and a game that I would like to play, too. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- It was a great book and I would love to play the game. :) ~L

  4. Sure sounds like fun for both kiddo and adult indeed.

  5. It seems I've read about this book somewhere, but I appreciate the reminder. I haven't gotten to it yet, but it sounds fun.

    1. Rosi- I think you will really enjoy it! :) ~L

  6. Ohh, this one sounds pretty awesome :D Looks gorgeous too. I'm glad you liked it a lot :) Thank you for sharing. <3

    1. Carina- Isn't it pretty! It is an interesting read too. :) ~L

  7. I haven't read it, but It sounds like a fun read. :) ~Aleen

  8. It sounds like the main characters in this novel both know how to be true to themselves and they are both very authentic. I really like the sound of them having this little quest to do with the book, and it seems really fun :D

    1. Olivia- I thought the book was interesting because readers can learn a lot about Poe and other book related information. Very fun! :) ~L

  9. This sounds like an interesting read, thank you for sharing!

  10. Sounds brilliant.
    Many thanks for bringing it to my/our attention.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan- Glad to introduce you to this great read. :) ~L


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