Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday's Riddle: Light in the Dark...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? I catch this show from my front porch. When the outdoor symphony chimes in, it's magical! ; ) ~ F

Fix your eye on firefly; flashing, sparking up the sky. Look below water skim; glowing, jellies sink or swim. Snap a photoprotein swirl, catch a twinkle and twirl. Nature dances for delight when you see with in sight. Biology marks this brilliant feature, built into the form of creature. 

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!


  1. Phosphorescence caused by certain kinds of algae moving backwards and forwards with the tide?

  2. Flashy fish that light up the sea

  3. Sounds like Bioluminescence, but I could be rusty on my science.

  4. Hmmm, I have no idea....Hugs, Valerie

  5. Fireflies are amazing to watch. They make me think of fairies.

  6. Interesting blog! Visiting from #getsocial17

  7. I would love to see a firefly. And am joining the bioluminescence brigade.

  8. I think bio-luminescence sounds right, since it includes all those creatures.

  9. Hmmm. I don't know. But I would guess fireflies. I call them lightning bugs. I love watching them at night in the summer - and chasing them - and catching them in my hand. There is a place in the Smokies where people go just to watch them.

  10. I'm going to have to guess bioluminescence.

  11. What a fun riddle! Our guess is bioluminescence! Hope you have a wonderful week, ladies :)

  12. I didn't think of the correct name u til I saw it written here...bioluminescence

  13. I'm thinking bioluminescence OR a sea-faring frog watching fireflies in the sky and jellies down below. :)

  14. The first riddle I've managed to join in guessing in quite a while and I haven't got a clue so I'm going with ... Mother Nature?

  15. Totally going with bioluminescence :)

  16. I'll go with the flow ;-)

  17. Hi DMS - firefly ... or glow-worm ... looking forward to the answer! Cheers Hilary

  18. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  19. I have no idea! But, I loved the video!


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