
Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday's Riddle: Deep Eyes...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? It's interesting to think about their perspective in life.  ; ) ~ F

Sea tides through bubble eyes; deep is where my spirit lies. Tipped scales cruise the surf, run aground on dry turf. Racing on a river run, trolling shallows in the sun; if your line isn't late, you'll know it when I snap the bait. Below I shall always dwell, for when above I do smell. 

What am I? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!


  1. Fish is the only thing that comes to mind, although there are plenty of other undersea creatures...

  2. Hi DMS ... I have to say I haven't a clue ... and fish seems too broad an answer - but perhaps yes ... Deep Eyes though ... not so sure! Cheers Hilary

  3. Sounds fishy, but still clueless.

  4. I was going to say deep sea fish (because you mention deep in the riddle), but then I read 'racing on a river run' so now I think it must be a freshwater fish. More than that I can't say.

  5. Yeah, fish do smell when they're out of the water! Fun riddle.

  6. My goodness this is a tough one.. I'm going to guess fish but I really don't know ♡♡♡

  7. The eye had me thinking turtle, but I'm going with a fish.

  8. Fish but maybe a whale-they go deep and can run aground. Maybe a dolphin??

  9. Ooh, I know this one! Gollum has a song about it: "Alive without breath, as cold as death..." :-)

  10. I was thinking turtle at first but hmmm yes maybe more fishy.

  11. I love these riddles! I guess fish!! :) Big Hugs!

  12. My first thought was a whale. But fish is probably right. In other words, I don't know.

  13. I'm going with everyone else and saying fish.

  14. Fish!! You're so great at rhyming. Have a lovely Wednesday!

  15. Pescado/fish. I wonder if fish know they stink?

  16. I'm not sure if you just mean fish or if you're looking for a specific kind of fish.

  17. LOL. I read really quickly first time through and wanted to say, "Troll!" Does that tell you how burned out my brain is? It's totally some kind of fish.

  18. First I thought about some reptie but maybe it's a fish?


  19. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F


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