
Friday, January 13, 2017

Can Jax Stay in Control of His Mind?

The Inquisitor’s Mark by Dianne Salerni is the second book in the Eighth Day series. It picks up where the last book left off, and Jax, Riley, and Evangeline are in hiding after all the excitement they were a part of in Mexico. Jax and Riley are Transitioners, a special group of people who experience an extra day between Tuesday and Wednesday. Evangeline is also special and only lives on the eighth day, but it helps her stay in hiding as she is a descendent of Merlin and people are after her because her power can make them more powerful. The trouble in Mexico has brought the trio into the spotlight and now more people know Evangeline exists. Jax's family also realizes he's alive and wants to claim him for their own. Family is something Jax has wanted ever since he was sent to live with Riley. Unfortunately, his best friend, Billy, gets kidnapped by Finn Ambrose, Jax’s newfound uncle. He takes off without telling anyone where he's going because he feels it is up to him to save his friend. In the process, Jax meets his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It doesn’t take him long to realize how dangerous his family line is. They have skills that can do a lot of harm! Mind control is not something to mess with and his family doesn’t agree. It doesn’t help that Evangeline’s sister is missing and now danger surrounds the eighth day and many lives are in jeopardy. Who should Jax trust? Should he have told someone where he was going? Is Evangeline’s sister hidden and will they be able to find her? You won't stop reading until you find the answer to these questions and more!

As soon as I put down The Eighth Day I knew I needed to get my hands on The Inquisitor’s Mark and start reading. I already loved the idea of the eighth day and hoped this book would show me even more of this unique world. It didn’t disappoint! The world that exists for the Transitioners and those who only exist on the eighth day is even more complicated than I could have guessed. Jax’s family was filled with people who had strange and dangerous skills. I wouldn’t want anyone trying to control my mind. It's creepy to think about! I kept trying to figure out what Jax should do and who he should trust, but it wasn't easy for me and it's not easy for him. It made me think about how lucky we are if we have friends and family that we know we can count on. I recommend this book to kids in fifth grade and up who like dystopian books and enjoy adventure. What a fabulous story and the author does an awesome job world building. Now I just need to get my hands on the third book in the series, The Morigan’s Curse!

Has anyone else read The Inquisitors Mark? Or have you read another book by Dianne Salerni? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!

Read Lizzy's review of The Eighth Day


  1. Dianne will be pleased! I have her books, just haven't had time to read them.

    1. Alex- You are in for a treat when you start reading! :) ~L

  2. Sure sounds like a wonderful engrossing book indeed.

    1. How great to read one book and "have to" read the next!

    2. Pat- You betcha! :) ~L

      Lee- Isn't that the best! :) ~L

  3. This sounds very exciting, must see if I can get hold of it.
    Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Valerie- The first two books in the series are very exciting! Hope your weekend was great! :) ~L

  4. I planned to start this series when it was first released but The Book Depository kept jumping around the hates and I got turned off. Grrrr. Anyway I might just buy book one at some point this year and get started after reading this review. I'm very intrigued.

    1. Sheena-kay- I truly enjoyed book 1 and 2 and can't wait to read book 3. A very intriguing series and a world like no other. Hope you enjoy them too! :) ~L

  5. Oooh.
    It sounds wonderful.
    And I have trouble retaining control of my mind even without Jax's challenges.

    1. EC- It is definitely not easy to try and beat mind control! :) ~L

  6. An eighth day sounds good to me. I haven't heard of this series, so thank you for your review and letting us know about it.

    1. Beverly- An 8th day sounds like a good idea to me too- but I would prefer that I got to make the qualities to fit my needs. The books are so interesting- but the day is not ideal, which adds to the excitement. :) ~L

  7. I haven't read these yet, but you remind me how much I want to get to them soon. Thanks for the post.

    1. Rosi- They are great. Hope you enjoy them too! :) ~L

  8. That book sounds deep ... it really is good that we have family and friends that we can trust here.. it would be very difficult not to know... xox

    1. Launna- It is a deep book and full of adventure. Not knowing who to trust definitely complicates things. :) ~L

  9. I read The Eighth Day and adored it! I'd love to read the 2nd (and the 3rd) but have neither time nor money. Maybe in 2018!

    1. Lexa- Glad you read and adored The Eighth Day! I hope you have the time and money to finish the series in 2018. :) ~L

  10. I love dystopian books and movies and I'd definetely enjoy this read. Evangeline's story sounds very interesting.

    1. ToTylkoJa- If you enjoy dystopian books than you will love this series. Evangeline's story is very intriguing! :) ~L

  11. thanks for the recommendation! love to read inspiring books, they feed the creative writing!

    and thanks for stopping by my cradle rock release party at michael di gesu's place!
    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. Tara- Glad to recommend this one! It is awesome!

      Happy to stop by the party at Michael's. Congrats on your latest release. :) ~L

  12. I've known Dianne for a long time, and I'm really excited for her.

  13. Sounds like an interesting premise and a great read.

  14. I've never heard of this book, but from your post I want to read it.

    1. DM- I think you will really get into this series. Has lots of elements you enjoy. :) ~L

  15. Sounds like fun. My daughter always has her eye out for a good series.

    1. The Armchair Squid- I think your daughter will really get into this series! :) ~L

  16. Hi Lizzy - sounds an ideal trilogy .. and I can imagine Dianne's creation are so true to her caricatures - I think I might have to relent at some stage and read these books .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- If you get a chance to read them, the story line and world creating is really well done! :) ~L

  17. Heidi- It is totally scary stuff! The things that could happen if we couldn't control our own minds. Yikes! :) ~L

  18. Oh how interesting on the extra day. I won't even lie I fantasize about that some times. lol Though I wouldn't want anything crazy to happen just an extra reading day. Ha!

    1. Anna- I am with you! I think about it all the time and would totally want to use it for reading. :) ~L

  19. This sounds like a wild ride! An eighth day ~ I'd probably spend it doing what I do on the other seven days lol. (I like that it's a weekday.) If I were a bigger fan of dystopian stories, I'd definitely pick this up.

    1. Claudine- It is a great read and makes you think. I would probably do some of the things I normally do on the weekend if I had an extra day I got to control. It would be nice to tackle some things on my "to do list". :) ~L


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