
Friday, December 9, 2016

What Were Will's Words?

Imagine yourself in London during the 1600s. The city was bustling with folks on their way to the theater. William Shakespeare was a brilliant playwright, known for his dramatic stories. People traveled from all over the world to see his words come to life on stage. His writing was passionate, and he had a knack for coining phrases still popular today.

Sayings like "money's worth" and "of a sudden" can be traced back to his work. He created household terms by mixing meanings, then writing them into his plays. As Will's popularity grew, they stuck.

Will's Words by Jane Sutcliffe is such a cool book. Not only is it interesting to find out how many terms William Shakespeare came up with, BUT the added bonus of locating him in every magnificent illustration is extremely entertaining. Watch out, Waldo! The artwork is outstanding, and I can only imagine how much fun the illustrator, John Shelley, had filling in the details. I was lost for hours, and you will be too trying to find Will. But, I promise it's not a wild goose chase. ;)

If you're a fan of William Shakespeare, you like history, or maybe you're a word connoisseur like me, this is the book for you! The story will whisk you back in time and the hunt to find the playwright will keep you busy. I'd recommend this book to readers ages seven and up or anyone who enjoys a little drama in their life.

Has anyone else read Will's Words? Or another book by Jane Sutcliffe? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Reading!
~ F

*Saturday catch our interview with the author!


  1. Ooh this would be fun! My favourite Will's words are from MacBeth, and I love spotting Waldo (I mean, Willie). Olive would love this as well.

    1. Claudine- Glad to hear your favorite work of Will's is MacBeth. We had fun trying to find Will too. :) ~F

  2. Hi DMS - I bet that's an amazing book .. it's always fun to see where Will's words pop up into our daily lives ... so so many ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- It is amazing how many places his words turn up! :) ~F

  3. Hi DMS, Thanks for the awesome review. I guess the long and the short of it is this: you never know where Will--and his words--will pop up!

    1. Jane- We loved Will's Words and it's been forever and a day since we have gone a whole 24 hours without hearing one of his quotes/phrases. :) ~DMS

  4. As someone who loves to read Shakespeare plays (I feel like it's stereotypical saying he is my favourite playwright but he IS) I can definitely say that this books looks so cool! Love the looks of the illustrations and for a non-fiction novel with facts in it, it still looks fun to read!

    1. Olivia Savannah- Wonderful to hear you are such a Shakespeare fan. You will definitely love and treasure this book if you read it. :) ~F

  5. That looks like such a fun book! Thanks for the review!

  6. Sounds interesting. I took a course on Shakespeare in college.

    1. Kelly- I bet you would find Will's Words to be fascinating. :)

  7. It sounds wonderful. I am always amazed at how many of his phrases are still used today.

  8. I have this book and love it. So much fun.

    1. Rosi- So wonderful to hear that you love Will's Words too! :) ~F

  9. Wow, it does look detailed... I have a difficult enough time finding Waldo.. lol... I do like the idea of finding out about the sayings he said back then that are still so relevant xox

    1. Launna- The phrases and sayings are so interesting. What a fun way to learn history. Good luck finding Will. :) ~F

  10. What a great way to introduce young one's to Will :) Sounds like an enchanting book!


    1. Betty- Kids will love this introduction! :) ~F

  11. Thanks for the review DMS, 'Will's Words' was indeed a lot of fun to illustrate, researching early 17th century London as much as the artwork execution. Hard work, but fascinating!

    1. You are welcome, John. We truly enjoyed the book and the illustrations are beautiful. Bravo! :) ~DMS

  12. It is really neat to see all of the different words or phrases that link back to him. Sounds like a fun read!

    1. Anna- I loved learning about all the phrases that come from Will! :) ~F

  13. I don't know where I learned that he coined a bunch of phrases we use today (possibly high school?) but I think it's incredible an author had and still has so much influence on us today.

    1. Adriana- I found it amazing too! So many people have no idea how much he influenced words. :) ~F

  14. I just had to come check out the review. I like making up words too. Porchervation (from my blog name) is an observation made on a porch! Now, if I could just master iambic pentameter!


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