
Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday's Riddle: What's Up?

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? The story goes, when this color, you can count on a fair day. ; ) ~ F

A celestial dome scattered blue, like an umbrella over you. From such heights, planets and moons; lower still, rainbows loom. Particles swing through matter and space, in and out at your pace. Up is where it's said to be, this is what you shall see.

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer! 

I gave you a clue!

Here is where we've been so far this December spreading the news about the paperback cover:

Monday 12/12: Mama Diaries 
Writing Advice from Stephanie & Jess 

Wednesday 12/7: Write Stuff
Writing Advice from Stephanie & Jess 

Monday 12/5: The Story of A Writer
The Process of Publishing a Book

Thursday 12/1: Carry Us Off Books
Cover reveal & Story Blurb 


  1. Add me to those guessing sky. Which I love. In all of its moods.

  2. Yes, I agree the sky. I saw you over at Claudine’s blog but missed the other posts so will visit those now.

  3. I didn't get it until I saw the picture, I need to get on the ball... xox

  4. Part of me wants to guess 'pizza' because I'm hungry, but pretty sure the answer is Blue Skies :D

  5. At first, I thought atmosphere. But after seeing the picture, I agree...the sky.

  6. My first thought was the earth, but then sky came to mind. So I'll go with that. Hope the tour is going well. It's been fun seeing you guys here and there and everywhere! :)

  7. Sky! And looking forward to reading all your posts.

  8. the place Chris Evans and Tom Hiddleston are from? :)

  9. Me too - I struggled with this one - the blank blue floored me and where's the dome?! Then yes I need to wake up ... I expect everyone else is right ... that blue sky - illusive today .. cheers Hilary

  10. The color blue made me think of the sky. I agree with everyone else.

  11. Thank you for the comment, Merry Xmas to you :)

  12. Okay probably sky but what came to mind was a snow globe.

  13. Blue the great songs

  14. Love the riddle. I'll say 'der Himmel', which is sky in German - also translates as heaven. Have a lovely festive season.

  15. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F

  16. Sky. The only other guess is cloud and I'm pretty sure that's not it.

  17. The sky? The picture is what makes me believe this is the answer.


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