Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Setting the Stage...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! Friday, I've got our ticket to the London theater in the 1600's, so stay tuned! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

Pickpocketing London sets the scene, that's where you can see a dream. Stories play in disguise; crowds cheer on dramatic cries. Words became one man's game, soon to be a household name. Juggling meanings, he'd sort them out, listening to people talk and shout. When a theater opened up, they'd grab a snack and fill their cup. Most desired tricks and mirth, and they got their money's worth. But who was this creative man, telling tales by ink and hand?

Who am I referring to? Answer: William Shakespeare! 

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Make time to riddle and rhyme!

62 original riddles and illustrations
Available in all e-book formats

Here is where we've been so far this December spreading the news about the paperback cover:

Wednesday 12/7: Write Stuff
Writing Advice from Stephanie & Jess 

Monday 12/5: The Story of A Writer
The Process of Publishing a Book

Thursday 12/1: Carry Us Off Books
Cover reveal & Story Blurb 


  1. I figured it later that day, once I considered the image. Oh well!

  2. That was a splendid riddle. I'd not have guessed. I was thinking magician. lol

  3. I didn't guess this one... others did great but I was highly unsure for myself xox

  4. Hi DMS - managed to get that one right ... cheers to you and Shakespeare ... and us all - Hilary

  5. Yeah, happy I guessed another. Can't wait to see what book you've picked out from 1600 London.

  6. It's a busy time isn't it? Getting ready for the holidays and touring and a new book. How wondrous.

  7. Sounds like you're off to a good start on your paperback cover reveal tour!

  8. Great riddle! I wouldn't have gotten it if I hadn't seen the picture for midsummer's night dream.

  9. It's funny that the image is what threw me off but helped everyone else. I guess this means I sorely need to read Midsummer!


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