
Friday, November 18, 2016

What's Happening on Museum Mile?

When sixth grader Edmund Xavier Lonnrot sees his father fend off a thief, he becomes a witness. Down at the police station he talks to the sketch artist who isn’t quite getting it right, so Edmund draws one quickly. He’s good at remembering details; after all he has a photographic memory and awesome art skills. The police take notice and are impressed. They are working on a series of art thefts, but haven’t been able to figure out where and when they will happen. They decide to try an unorthodox approach to solving the case- they ask Ed to help them. All he has to do is visit different museums looking for people who may be suspicious and the police will be watching him observe the museum patrons. His code name is Eddie Red, and he will get paid if he helps find the art thieves. This sounds like a good plan, but is it really safe? Will Eddie’s skills help the police? You'll have to find out for yourself!

Eddie Red Undercover: Mystery on Museum Mile was an interesting mystery. I can't imagine having a photographic memory, it would definitely be cool. Taking tests would be a breeze! It was fascinating to see the details Eddie could remember and how he used them in his sketches. Kids will also learn about the museums that are part of the Museum Mile in New York City. I’ve been to a lot of them, but now I'd like to to visit a few more. I'd recommend this book to kids in fourth grade and up who like mysteries and action. This is the first book in the series, so I'm guessing Eddie helps solve other cases, or maybe he starts working on his own!   

Has anyone else read Eddie Red Undercover: Mystery on Museum Mile? Or have you read another book by Marcia Wells? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. Someone with a photographic memory would make a good detective.
    Have a great Thanksgiving, ladies!

    1. Alex- It would definitely be a great job for them. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Alex! :)

  2. Would sure solve any crime as such a memory comes into play.

  3. Ooh, it'd be great. Instead of now, where I can remember the exact spot on the page that I wrote down the answer, but can't remember the answer itself!

    1. Deniz- I know! Being able to have perfect recall would certainly be amazing in some instances. :) ~L

  4. Definitely intriguing. The only down side I can see to a photographic memory is how full your brain would get. Mine is cluttered now. And I certainly forget things.

    1. EC- Plus, there are some things in life we may prefer not to remember- and I can imagine that would be tough with a photographic memory. :) ~L

  5. Sounds like another good book!


  6. Eddie's skills come in very handy for an eyewitness. If only all eyewitnesses have such a memory. I haven't read this yet but it sounds like an exciting one!

    1. Claudine- I have heard most eyewitnesses get a lot wrong and even can be swayed by other eyewitnesses into misremembering information. So Eddie's skills would definitely come in handy in solving crimes. :) ~L

  7. I haven't had the opportunity to read this book... it does sound very interesting though xox

    I missed you while I took the time off of blogging, it feels good to get back into the blogging world... it always lifts me up xox

    1. Launna- We missed you and are glad that you are back in the blogging world. Hope your time away was good! :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  8. I wouldn't mind having such memory either!

    1. Dezmond- It could really come in handy at times. :) ~L

  9. Heidi- I don't remember reading a book with a character with a photographic memory either. Definitely interesting! :) ~L

  10. Ooh, this sounds like a fun read! I would so love to have a photographic memory. Thoughts don't hang around too long in my brain! :)

    1. Sandra- Having a photographic memory would definitely be interesting! :) ~L

  11. I love the idea of a kid working with the police! So many kids want to be taken seriously by adults that this is a real wish fulfillment-style fantasy book. It sounds like so much fun!

    1. Lexa- Working with the police would definitely make a kid feel like they are being taken seriously. I am sure it would be amazing trying to help catch the bad guys too. :) ~L

  12. Having a photographic memory certainly would be useful! This sounds like a really fun read!

  13. Interesting story concept.

    Mind you, those police sketchers are pretty impressive. They can glean a lot from a little!

    1. The Armchair Squid- Police sketchers definitely have a unique talent. So hard to imagine drawing up a face from only a little information. :) ~L

  14. Hope this isn't a double, but I don't see my comment. Just wanted to add that it sounds like Eddie's in for an adventure. I'd like his job, only I can't sketch.

    1. Joylene- Eddie's job definitely is interesting. It must be amazing to draw exactly what you see in your mind. :) ~L

  15. I love the idea of a young sketch artist. I've always wondered how it would be to have a photographic memory!

    Have a great holiday, you two.

    1. Lee- I have wondered the same thing- especially after reading this book. :)

      Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving too! :)

  16. I am glad you could enjoy the mystery element in this novel. And I have to agree, having photographic memory would be so so cool. I can't fathom it but man do I want it :D

    1. Olivia- Savannah- I enjoyed the mystery and was fascinated by the photographic memory. That could really come in handy. :) ~L


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