
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Is Serenity as Wonderful as it Seems?

The kids of Serenity, New Mexico have the perfect lives. They all have pools, they all have video games Their parents love and support them. Life is good. When Randy convinces Eli to ride their bikes across the town border to see an old car he and his father discovered, Eli agrees, even though he should ask his dad. When they get to the edge of town Eli gets violently ill, and the police have to come in and helicopter him to safety. As Eli recovers he finds out that Randy is being shipped off to his grandparent’s farm. No one has ever moved away from Serenity before. This is weird enough, but Randy’s strange behavior before he leaves gets Eli thinking, and he knows Randy must've left him a message. This prompts Eli and a few friends to begin investigating. But is Eli prepared for what's really going on in Serenity? Is there really something different about eleven of the children that live there? And what should they do with the information they discover? You'll be turning the pages to find out!

I have read other books by Gordon Korman and was looking forward to reading Masterminds. I didn't know much about it, so I was pleasantly surprised by the unique plot twist. I've tried not to give anything away so you can discover what's going on too. I really liked Eli, Amber,  Malik, and all the other characters whose story we got to hear. Each character has a different personality, and I could relate to all of them for various reasons. When I found out what was going on, I was shocked! I kept thinking that the plans they uncovered were going off the tracks and the consequences could be far-reaching. The book ended on a cliffhanger, which I wished could be different. Still, it was an exciting read and the next book is out, so I plan on picking it up soon. I just hope it doesn't end before I have more answers! I recommend this to kids in fourth grade and up who like mystery and adventure. This was such an interesting concept that I can’t wait to learn more and see where the story goes.

Has anyone else read Masterminds? Or have you read another book by Gordon Korman? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy reading!



  1. I love mysteries but I am one that would have to have any other books available right then and there if there were cliff hangers... lol... I don't like to wait to find out xox

  2. No one ever leaves Serenity - that's a big clue right there that something is going on.

  3. This sounds like a wicked fun mystery - and creepy too! Love the intrigue and will check out.

    1. Donna- It is a great read! Definitely interesting! :) ~L

  4. Intriguing indeed! Might have to check this one out!


  5. It sounds as if Serenity is misnamed. Definitely an intriguing twist...

    1. EC- The name definitely ties into the twist! :) ~L

  6. I enjoyed the mystery of Masterminds, but also wished that it didn't end on a cliffhanger. I'm thinking Criminal Destiny will be just as fast paced and hopefully fill in a few of the gaps.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Brenda- Cliffhangers are tough for me! I am looking forward to Criminal Destiny and hope the same thing. :) ~L

  7. I've not read anything by Gordon Korman but I plan on doing so soon.

    1. Barbara- This was my favorite Korman book I have read. :) ~L

  8. Sounds like an intriguing read. Will check it out.

  9. Hi L - Serenity does sound misnamed as EC suggests - with lots of undertones ... a good read for many a mystery lover. Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- You are right- EC is on to something. :) ~L

  10. rare are plot twists in today's YA and kid's books

    1. Dezmond- It was definitely a unique story! :) ~L

  11. I'm curious now! Sounds like something very interesting is going on! :)

  12. Sure sounds like a great one to read indeed.

  13. Replies
    1. The Armchair Squid- I thought it was cool! :) ~L

  14. I haven't read it but it sounds exciting.

    Have a pleasant, productive week, Jess and Stephanie:)

    1. Sandra- It is an intriguing book! Hope you are having a great week too! :) ~L

  15. I've read other books by Korman and really enjoyed them. I should check out this one.

    1. Kelly- I think you should check this one out. It's my favorite of his books. :) ~L

  16. Ooh, I love a mystery with action and scary stakes! This book sounds amazing! I'm with you on the cliffhanger though. I don't like it when books feel unfinished even if there's a sequel. I'm an old fogey and remember Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mysteries. Those always ended their plot line AND had new books coming out. Thanks for the great review!

    1. Lexa- So glad you enjoyed the review. I definitely like to have the mystery or plot basically wrapped up in each book. I feel like there is too much I don't know, but I am glad there is another book so I can hopefully find out the answers. :) ~L

  17. Sounds like a Stepford kind of situation. ^_^

    1. Misha- There is definitely something going on behind the scenes. :) ~L

  18. Ooh, I think it sounds interesting, too. But I don't really enjoy cliffhangers.

    1. Claudine- It was a great book, but cliffhangers are tough for me. The good news is book 2 is out. I just need to find out if it also ends on a cliffhanger. :)


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