Friday, September 16, 2016

Can War Save Lives?

Ada has never been out of her small apartment because her mother is too embarrassed of her. Instead she watches all the other children, including her younger brother, from her spot by the window. Living in a dirty apartment with a mother who is angry all the time is a sad way for a little girl to grow up. Ada realizes she needs to try to walk even though it isn't easy because of her disfigured foot, but her mother has forbidden her from doing it. World War II has begun and now it's reaching England. When bombs are threatening London and children are being sent out to the country, Ada hatches a plan to leave first thing in the morning with her brother. No one wants them when they get out to the country, but they finally go live with a woman named Susan Smith. She cleans them up, gives them a place to live, and treats them with respect. Susan sees no reason why Ada shouldn't be able to do everything everyone else is doing. For the first time in her life Ada is spending time outside. She even meets her beloved Butter, the horse who resides on the Smith property. The freedom Ada feels is amazing. There are hard days too, and Ada’s mom cannot be reached to approve a surgery for her club foot. Are things too good to last? What will happen when the war is over? Will Ada ever get her surgery so she can wear regular shoes? You will not be able to put this book down!

I first heard about The War That Saved My Life on The Children’s War blog. I am so happy I had a chance to read it. The characters in the book really come to life. I loved some of them and hated others. My heart went out to Ada because of her struggles with her foot and I winced at the way her mother treated her. She was an amazing older sister though! I thought it was also interesting how something as terrible as a war could end up saving someone's life in a different way. I recommend this to kids in fourth grade and up who like historical fiction and easy to relate to characters. I look forward to reading more books by this author!

Has anyone else read The War That Saved My Life? Or have you read another book by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!



  1. How wonderful that something which only brought (and brings) tragedy to so many could also have a positive influence. Unexpected and lovely. I will have to track it down. Thank you.

    1. EC- It is one of my favorite books that I have read this year. :) ~L

  2. What a touching story. I haven't heard of this book, but historical fiction is one of my favorite subjects. Thanks for telling us about it.

    1. Beverly- If you enjoy HF- then you will love this book! :) ~L

  3. Sounds like a good one indeed. Even war can have a positive outcomes in a few cases it seems.

  4. Always on the lookout for more historical fiction and this sounds like an interesting story. Thanks for highlighting it.

  5. This one I am definitely going to have to read. Sounds very interesting.


    1. Betty- You will be so happy you picked it up! :) ~L

  6. This sounds like such a sad but uplifting book all at once! eager to read!

    1. Donna- It is sad and uplifting for sure! :) ~L

  7. This is an interesting premise for a book. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the review.

  8. This looks fab. So glad for the highlight. Thank you! :)

    1. You are welcome, Morgan! I thought it was fabulous! :) ~L

  9. This sounds like an amazing but absolutely heart-breaking story. Ada does sound like a great character and a wonderful older sister; we're definitely adding this one to the TBR because we have to see what happens! Lovely review, ladies :)

    ~Mckenzie & Michele

    1. Mckenzie and Michele- It did break my heart, but it was so well written and lots of good things happen too. It is a great read and one that shows a different side of war. :) ~L

  10. Haven't read it or even heard of it til now. Thanks for sharing it. Have to look it up since it sounds like something I can read with my 12 yr old.

    1. LM- Definitely something you can read with your 12 year old. A fabulous book! :) ~L

  11. Replies
    1. Dezmond- My heart totally went out to her! :) ~L

  12. Hi Jess - sounds a lovely story ... how the War brought about hope - I hope all ended happily ... but I guess there'll be challenges along the way. I've added to my Wish List .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- This is definitely a book that shouldn't be missed. I think you will really enjoy it. A lovely book for sure! :) ~L

  13. What a cool take on such a terrible topic! I haven't heard of this one but it sounds like something I need to add to my TBR :)

    1. Meradeth- I loved that it was so different! :) ~L

  14. I like this point of view about such a critical time in history. I've seen the book in stores, but I haven't read it yet. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Theresa- I thought the point of view was great. A very interesting perspective! :) ~L

  15. I haven't read this book but I really like the sounds of it... I think we need to empower all children that they are capable of anything no matter what disabilities they may have xox

    1. Launna- I couldn't agree with you more! :) ~L

  16. WWII seems likely to inspire writers for generations to come.

  17. One of my most favorite reads from the past year or so--loved this book!

    1. Marcia- So glad to hear that you read and loved it too! :) ~L

  18. I have it on my list and must get to it soon! Ada sounds like a protagonist I'd love to befriend.

    1. Claudine- You will love Ada and the story! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! :) ~L


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