
Friday, August 5, 2016

Can They Read the Signs?

Sam is beyond disappointed when he finds out that Uncle Jasper is shipping him off to boarding school. He doesn't even get to stay and play in the championship baseball game. When he tells teammates Roger and Joey they plan his escape, so Sam will be around for the big game. Unfortunately,it involves sneaking away and staying in a cave for a few days, which proves to have more secrets than they could've imagined. After a small earthquake a crumbling wall reveals a skeleton with a map and a riddle which they hope to find. They think there really is a treasure out there and they may be the lucky ones to find it if they can only unlock the riddle. Sam won't stay in the cave with the bones, so they take a midnight train to Trent to try and find the answers. What do the mysterious symbols on the map mean? Who is the crying lady that Sam sees? Is there really a treasure and will the boys be able to find it? One thing is for certain- the trio is not expecting what awaits them!

I have read many books by see C. Lee McKenzie and I was excited to read Sign of the Green Dragon. The book is full of adventure and excitement. The three boys will be appeal to kids because they have a good friendship and seem to find trouble. I liked learning more about the Chinese culture and the meaning of dragons. It was fun trying to solve the riddle and figure out what the boys needed to do in order to find the treasure. I would recommend this book to kids in third grade and up who like a book with mystery and adventure. I wonder if we'll get to go on another wild ride with Sam, Roger, and Joey in the future! If so, I know I'll be reading it!

Has anyone else read Sign of the Green Dragon? Or have you read another book by C. Lee McKenzie? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. I have read and loved a couple of her books. She is such a varied writer. And I bought Sign of the Green Dragon this week.

    1. EC- I have read and enjoyed each of Lee's books so far. I have read many of them and I have a few left to get to soon. Enjoy! :) ~L

  2. Such a cute story line. I haven't read any of her books, might have to check this out.


    1. Betty- Lee has many wonderful books. Enjoy! :) ~L

  3. Hi L and DMS - I haven't read any of Lee's works ... but I love the premise for them ... good luck to one and all with their books - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- Lee's books are great. She writes many different genres and I have enjoyed each of the books I've read by her so far. :) ~L

  4. Hi and many thanks for reading and reviewing Dragon. I've read those darned books of McKenzie's too many times, I'm afraid.

    1. Lee- So happy to host you and help spread the word. I am sure you have read those books many times! I've loved every one I have read and look forward to reading more of your books. :) ~L

    2. Thanks again, Jess. You and Stephanie do amazing things for authors and you always seem to be having fun doing it.

    3. Aww! Thanks, Lee! We do have fun spreading the love of reading and writing. Happy to support fellow authors. :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  5. This sounds great!

    Enjoy your weekend, Jess and Steph:)

    1. Sandra- It is!
      Thanks! ~Jess and Stephanie

  6. I really loved this book! The characters are so true to life and lots of fun. The adventure is a page turner. I'm with you on hoping the boys get another story! :)

    1. Jemi- I think the boys want another story too! Glad to hear you read and ejoyed Sign of the Green Dragon too! :) ~L

  7. This books sounds fantastic! Thanks for the review and congrats to C. Lee on her newest book!

  8. This looks great. I'm very excited for Lee. :)

  9. Great review. Yes, I've read this book and all of Lee's. I guess you'd say I'm a fan. No matter what age she writes for the characters are true-to-life, with the problems tweens or teens have. It was fun traveling along with the boys and trying to solve the mystery with them.

    1. Beverly- I couldn't agree with you more! :) ~L

  10. congrats to Lady MCkenzie, she's all over the place :)

  11. Lee sure knows how to spin a tale indeed.

  12. I haven't read this one but it has an interesting story line... xox

    1. Launna- All of Lee's books are great! :) ~L

  13. I'm glad that this book by the author didn't disappoint and you could enjoy it just as much as all the others you've read. I love Chinese Culture and that interests me a lot, so that side of things really does appeal to me.

    1. Olivia-Savanah- I have loved all the books I have read by Lee. She is a great writer with lots of books to pick from. If you are interested in Chinese Culture then you will enjoy this one for sure. :) ~L

  14. Sounds like an interesting story line!

  15. Love this, sounds like an amazing book, Im sure I read times ago of C.L. Mackenzie !!

    1. Gloria- Lee has lots of books, so you have probably seen them around the blogosphere. :) ~L

  16. I haven't read any of her books, but I've been seeing her everywhere. Congrats to her!

    1. Lee- Her books are great! So many different ones to choose from. :) ~L

  17. Heidi- This is a great read- and I bet you would like Lee's other books as well. She writes a variety of genres. :) ~L

  18. I've seen this book on Goodreads and like that this story involves Chinese dragons.

  19. Great book! I was so lucky to read an advanced copy! It's riddled with mysticism and danger, along with a mystery that will keep you guessing as this group of young detectives race against a ticking clock to solve it. I also love how Lee kept it open for Sam's next adventure!

    1. Donna- So happy to hear you read and enjoyed this one too! Lee did a great job. I hope we hear more about Sam. :) ~L


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