Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Answer to Monday's Riddle: Dig Them Bones...

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we'll dig up some frightful clues. Friday, Lizzy's review will rattle your bones, so stay tuned! See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

Make none about it, you're at home; built in time on living stone. Complex structures move strings and goo, they get you there by being you. Strong but empty, they'll carry the weight, no matter the organic freight. Designed to fit, that's the measure, groove today at your pleasure. 

What am I referring to? Answer: Bones!

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Make time to riddle and rhyme!

62 original riddles and illustrations
Available in all e-book formats


  1. Make no bones about it, we love this awesome riddle, ladies! ;)
    ~Mckenzie and Michele

  2. That was a hard one. I went along with what others said, but I wasn't entirely sure.


  3. ;)

    Tinha perdido este enigma!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  4. BONES! I probably would have said a skeleton!

  5. Oh, this is a really good riddle! I don't think I would guessed this one.


  6. Hi Jess - wonderful photo of the dancing skeleton ... 'dem bones .... I'm so glad mine work and click clack together ... cheers Hilary

  7. Super cute riddle... love the dancing bones!

  8. Yay, I guessed it again. Those dancing bones makes me think of Halloween now :) Especially since they have costumes in the stores already. Come on, school hasn't even started back up yet. To soon for me.

  9. Bones aren't frightening! :) Well, maybe I'm a little biased on that!

  10. Waves hello! I'm trying to get back on the blogging horse. Bring on next week's riddle.

  11. I wasn't all that sure but I got it right xox


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