
Friday, July 1, 2016

Is it Worth it to Get to the Top?

Most kids grow up knowing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They know how he climbed the giant beanstalk and stole goods from the giant. What many of us don't know is what happened to Jack after he got back. In this twisted fairy tale we learn about Nick, who comes years after Jack. He's a thief out of necessity to fill his belly and to survive in a world where he has no one but himself. When Nick gets connected to an evil gang of men his only choice is to break into a gigantic home and steal the treasures inside. When Nick climbs in and makes his way to the center of the home he's shocked to discover paintings that tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  He sees the Golden Hen and tries to steal it, only to come face to face with Jack, who fills him in on what’s happened since he came down the stalk and shares a deep regret he has about the incident. Nick gets to see the magic bean, and when the opportunity arises, he takes it. Outside he drops the bean and an enormous beanstalk sprouts up before his eyes. The energy from the plant is extraordinary, and he begins the climb to the top. The giant Jack had encountered may be gone, but that doesn't mean there aren’t giants at the top. The creatures have many ways to terrorize young thieves. Can Jack right the wrongs of his pilfering? Will Nick be able to get the treasure he so desires? Is there any way to make it back down the stalk alive? Your questions will continue to grow as you turn the pages!

The Thief and the Beanstalk by P.W. Catanese is the third Further Tales Adventure I’ve read by this author. I couldn't wait to pick up another one! I was just as enchanted with this story and it brought back memories of the version I had heard of Jack and the Beanstalk. I liked that the main character is one I could sympathize with even though he was a thief. It was also fun getting to learn what happened to Jack after he came down to earth. I was on the edge of my seat through most of this book because the bad guys were so bad! I recommend this book to kids in fourth grade and up who like fantasy. A great book to bring out discussion about fairy tales and what happened to characters after-the-fact.

As anyone else read The Thief and the Beanstalk? Or have you read another book by P.W. Catanese? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!

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  1. Always neat to think of what happened to characters after the fairy tale is over.

  2. I like the themes of the series with what happened afterwards. Sounds like a cute book!


    1. Betty- I found all the books in the series that I have read to be fascinating! :) ~L

  3. This book sounds really good! The cover is beautiful!

    1. Patty- You will love it! Read it one day when you are in the mood for a fairy tale and you will be swept away. :) ~L

  4. I love fractured fairy tales. I wasn't familiar with this one. I will try to check it out. Thanks for the review.

  5. It's always cool to learn what happened to the characters. Sounds very original and a cool take on a classic fairy tale

    1. Birgit- I love the new take on a classic fairy tale and I am so glad I read this one. :) ~L

  6. I always love a twist to a fairy tale. I remember my children bringing home "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" by Jon Scieszka. The whole family loved the tale. I think it is a creative way for an author to begin another tale. Thanks for sharing this with your followers. All the best.

    1. Victoria- I love The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! It is always fun to take stories we know and get to see another side. :) ~L

  7. Sounds amazing and love the cover :)

  8. Sounds amazing and love the cover :)

  9. It sounds great. I have always been suspicious of 'happy ever after' and wanted to know more.

  10. Interesting twist on the Jack and The Beanstalk story.

  11. I haven't read this one. Sounds unique! thanks for the review.

  12. This sounds so good because I like the idea of Jack wanted to make up for the wrongdoings he's done. It's mostly because the actual fairytale is kind of showing that stealing is the way for a person to solve all their problems... which it isn't really... so it's nice to see that twisted around to what it should be!

    1. Olivia-Savannah- I agree with you! This book did a great job showing that Jack felt remorse for some of the things he did and that he wanted to make up for the bad that he did. His life definitely wasn't "happily ever after". A great book! :) ~L

  13. I haven't read this story, but it's a neat idea. And now we know what happened to Jack. Fun.

    1. Beverly- It is a fun book for sure! :) ~L

  14. What a great idea for a story to find out what happened to Jack afterwards... I hope he makes the right decision so he doesn't have any regret ♡

    1. Launna- I thought it was a great idea for a story too! I like that Jack gets a chance to redeem himself. :) ~L

  15. Wow, this storyline is fantastic. I love anything related to fairy tales.

  16. Great idea for the storyline twist.

    1. New Release Books- I thought so too! :) ~L

  17. This seems like a good break from the genres I'm reading lately.

  18. How fun to find out what happened to Jack after all these years.

    1. Lee- I loved finding out what happened to him! :) ~L

  19. This sounds absolutely amazing. I have a special place in my heart for perversions of old fairy tales. Adding this to my wishlist as we speak.

    1. Robert- I hope you enjoy it! So fun to read twisted fairy tales. :) ~L

  20. Sounds like a fun series! Thanks for sharing this one - and that's great you really enjoyed it. I like when people re-do or come back to fairy tales. :)

    1. Shooting Stars Mag- Fairy tales can really go in so many different directions. :) ~L

  21. So want to read this! I ADORE all things about Jack and the Beanstalk. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Donna- Then you are sure to love this one! :) ~L

  22. So want to read this! I ADORE all things about Jack and the Beanstalk. Thanks for sharing!

  23. This sounds like a great book!

  24. This story sounds awesome, and I hope he does get to redeem himself! (I wasn't able to publish my comment for your latest post. Want to wish you two a great summer break!)

    1. Claudine- It is an awesome story.

      Sorry Blogger was giving you a problem publishing your comment. We are glad you posted it here and appreciate the good wishes. It was lovely to have a bit of a break. :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  25. Lovely review sweetie :D So glad you liked this book. <3 You make it seem pretty exciting :) Curious about it.

    1. Carina- It is a great tale that can be enjoyed by kids and adults! :) ~L


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