
Friday, June 17, 2016

Will Miranda Figure Out What the Notes Mean?

"I am coming to save your friend's life and my own." When You Reach Me.

It’s the end of the 1970s and twelve year old Miranda lives with her mother in a rundown apartment right upstairs from her best friend, Sal. They walk back and forth to school together every day noticing the “laughing man” on the street corner who's always pumping his fist and shouting into the air. Forever it's been Miranda and Sal. Until the day they’re walking home and he gets punched by a new kid for no reason. Miranda can’t figure out why- but after that Sal doesn’t want to be her friend anymore. Luckily, she and Annemarie begin hanging out more and during their lunch break they even go to Jimmy's restaurant with a boy in their class, Colin, and work (for free sandwiches). They don't get paid, but it's still fun. Miranda also gets to know Marcus, the boy who punched Sal. She thought he would be a bully, but he's actually very nice and he's also read her favorite book- A Wrinkle in Time. He tries to explain the one thing he doesn't like about the book, but Miranda doesn't quite get what he’s talking about. Still, she can't stop thinking about what he said and she continues to try to make sense of it. When Miranda receives a small written note with a mysterious message she's nervous and tells her mother. The notes keep coming and she's informed that she shouldn’t tell anyone about them. Now she's even more worried. Who's sending Miranda the notes? What do they mean? Why doesn’t Sal want to be friends anymore? Will she figure out what is going on? You will have to connect the dots as you read!

I had heard about When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. One of my favorite things is the connection to the book A Wrinkle in Time. Miranda is obsessed with this story and brings her copy everywhere. I can understand how she feels because I love this book too, so right away that helped me relate to her character. Because the story takes place in the 1970s I thought it was interesting to see what life was like then compared to now. I like Miranda and how she really thinks about things. It was fun learning about how she was helping her mom prepare for a game show. I especially liked trying to piece together the clues of what was happening once Miranda started receiving the notes. I put most of it together fairly quickly, but I wasn't sure I was correct until the end. And I was still missing one piece. I recommend this book to kids who like A Wrinkle in Time, science-fiction, time travel, realistic fiction and a story with hidden messages.

Has anyone else read When You Reach Me? Or have you read another book by Rebecca Stead? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. It sounds truly intriguing. Thank you.

  2. Sounds like a great mixture in the tale indeed.

  3. As I was also 12 come the late 70's I'm sure I'd find Miranda an interesting character.

    Great stuff, it sounds like there are many threads to this story.

    1. Tracy- There are a lot of threads and it s awesome when they all come together.

      You were the same age as Miranda in the book during the 70s- so I am sure you would find it interesting to read. :) ~L

  4. I've never read A Wrinkle in Time. Maybe I'll have to put both of these books on my summer reading list :) Sounds cute!


    1. Betty- I think it would be fun to read A Wrinkle in Time followed by When You Reach Me! :) ~L

  5. I'm adding this book to my list now.

  6. It's good that as much as you thought you had it that it still had a small part at the end... it sounds very good xox

    1. Launna- I loved that I could figure out some of it, but not all of it. It was very exciting! :) ~L

  7. I have read this. I loved it. I also read Liar and Spy by Stead. I thought it was awfully good as well. Thanks for reminding me of this lovely book.

    1. Rosi- Glad to hear you read and enjoyed this one as well. I read Liar and Spy and liked it too. I recently read Goodbye, Stranger and think it is a really important book for middle schoolers and up to read. Very timely story! :) ~L

  8. I remember reading A Wrinkle in Time when I was a kid. I loved it! It sounds like Miranda is smart and persistent. Great idea for a book! Wishing much success to Rebecca Stead!

    1. Lexa- A Wrinkle in Time is just a fascinating book with lots to think about! Glad to hear you enjoyed it too. Miranda is a great character and one kids can easily relate to because she is a regular kid. :) ~L

  9. I thought I'd read When You Reach Me, but I haven't, I guess! I grew up in the 70s and I read A Wrinkle in Time as a child, although I don't remember much about it!

    1. Stephanie- I can relate to knowing I read a book but not remembering much about it. Sometimes I read so much that some stories are a little blurry. :) ~L

  10. I haven't read this book but enjoy a good mystery. Thanks for the review. The story is interesting, and I want to know what's going on too.

    1. Beverly- It is a great book and the mystery is interesting because it is taking place in the past- but there is science fiction involved. :) ~L

  11. I have When You Reach Me on my to-read list and in fact bought its ebook for a nephew. It sounds good but pity I still haven't gotten to it yet.

    1. Claudine- Awesome to know that you bought When You Reach Me for your nephews. I hope they enjoy it and I hope you do too- when you get to it. :) ~L

  12. Love mysteries and love reading stories set in an earlier time, so this one sounds perfect. Thanks for introducing it to us here.

    1. Lee- I think you would love this book! :) ~L

  13. I read it because it won the Newbery and I always read the Newbery books. Not all of them are this extraordinarily good, however.

    1. Deb- I have read some of the Newbery winners- but not all of them. After reading your comment I went and checked. I have read one or two of the winners/honors for each year, but that is it. :) ~L

  14. This book sounds amazing and mysterious - and love the 1970s aspect. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Donna- It is definitely a unique book with lots to think about. I liked the 1970s aspect. :) ~L

  15. This sounds really good. I love that there is a mystery to solve.

    1. Sue- It is a very interesting read! :) ~L

  16. Science fiction time travel sounds like the kind of thing that I wouldn't be able to help but love! And I really like the sound of it being middle grade historical fiction as well. Is it just me, or is that not around too often?

    1. Olivia- Savannah- This book is an interesting combination and I think you would love it! :) ~L


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