
Friday, June 24, 2016

Knot Your Ordinary Circus!

Micah lives with Grandpa Ephraim, who has fallen ill. Unfortunately, Aunt Gertrudis comes to stay with them and she doesn’t like Micah to spend very much time with his grandfather. Now Micah is worried, so much so that he forgets about a big project that's due at school. His partner, Jenny, isn’t too happy, but when he almost breaks down about his grandfather they have a serious talk and she decides to come over and help him get the project ready. Little does Jenny know they’re also going to be visiting the Circus Mirandus. Micah has been hearing about it from his grandfather since he was little and he has wanted to see the Man Who Bends Light and all the marvelous performers. He remembers the unique token his grandfather used for admittance and knows that the circus doesn’t come to everyone. But the Lightbender owes Ephraim a miracle and now is the time for one. Magic and imagination work together to help show Jenny and Micah the way. Will they be able to see the fantastical sights before them? Will the Lightbender be able to help Micah’s grandfather? Do the knots Micah learned to make at a young age have the ability to change his life? Let your mind drift away with the music and you will find out!

I had heard a lot of great things about Circus Mirandus before I started reading it. I liked the fact that Micah is so close to his grandfather. I felt bad for him because of the way Aunt Gertrudis was treating him, and it was great seeing the friendship between Micah and Jenny develop. I think it was something they both needed. I was happy to see that Circus Mirandus is a magical circus with performers that are people. Learning about the knots that Micah and Grandpa Ephraim made me want to make some. I like that it is all about a place that can inspire hope in children and maybe even take away some of the sadness of their everyday lives. This was a good book and I recommend it to kids in third grade and up. It's definitely for those who believe that anything is possible!

Has anyone else read Circus Mirandus? Or have you read another book by Cassie Beasley? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Reading!


  1. Ooh, how wonderful, a book about a circus. As a child I never got to go to the circus (ahh) so it was books like this that I loved. Very close to my grandparents, I'm sure I'd relate to Micah.

    1. Tracy- I think anyone who is especially close to a grandparent will definitely relate to Micah. I know I did! :) ~L

  2. Great review. This book is new to me. My daughter just finished third grade. She might like this one.

    1. Kelly- She might! I think kids with big imaginations will enjoy this one. :) ~L

  3. Great Review. I'm not a big fan of circus's generally, but I loved Circus Mirandus when I read it.

    1. Alex- I enjoyed the book too- though I am not a fan of circuses with animals. :) ~L

  4. First I've heard of this one at my sea.

  5. I haven't heard of this but sounds interesting to me.

  6. What a delightful story! I think its another one my step grand daughter might enjoy!


  7. I have heard good things about it, too, but I have not read it yet!

    1. Patty- I thought it was a nice story! :) ~L

  8. It sounds wonderful. And reminds me of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

    1. EC- I haven't read The Night Circus- but have heard a lot about it. I bet the two books have some things in common. :) ~L

  9. So cute!!! And a circus book, like mine!

    1. Stephanie- Definitely has that in common with Piper! :) ~L

  10. I remember liking Circus Mirandis, yet at the same time wanting to know show much more about the circus. I did like that the circus is for kids, "cause adults spoil the mood."

    1. Brenda- I like that the circus is for kids and like that it is based on imagination. :) ~L

    2. As a side note, Cassie's sister, Kate is releasing her first novel Gertie's Leap to Greatness in October, think Ramona Quimby :)

    3. Brenda- How interesting! I had no idea- but I will have to keep my eyes out for it. :) ~L

  11. This sounds really fun. Thanks for the review. I will check it out.

    1. Rosi- You are welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! :) ~L

  12. Hope they don't have animals in that circus, I can't stand animals being molested in circuses

    1. Dezmond- The circus is mostly humans (or magical humans). There are birds who work with a flying woman. There was a scene about her that I didn't like very much- but a lot of the circus is about illusions. I don't like animals to be hurt either. :) ~L

  13. I very much like the cover :)

    Wishing you a great weekend :)

    1. Optimistic Existentialist- It is a very festive cover! Have a lovely week. :) ~L

  14. Sounds like a fun story! I love that he's close to his grandfather too.

    1. Cate- I loved that he was close to his grandpa too. :) ~L

  15. This is a new book to me, but I bet young readers will love it. I remember when I was teaching and the circus came to town, we took our students over to watch them set up the tents. Lots of excited kids.

    1. Beverly- I felt like I heard about this one on your blog. Now I will have to figure out where I actually heard about it. Glad to introduce you! :) ~L

  16. I like that it is a book that believes that anything is possible... we need uplifting books like this for our children xox

    1. Launna- Definitely important to believe that anything is possible. :) ~L

  17. I haven't read anything by Beasley, but this looks like a great book that I'd like to pick up.

    1. Medeia- This was my first book by the author. If you end of picking it up I hope you enjoy it. :) ~L

  18. Awesome review sweetie :) Yay for enjoying this one a lot. <3 It do seem pretty good :D Hope you are having an awesome weekend. <3

    1. Carina- I had a lovely weekend and hope yours was good too. Glad you enjoyed the review! :) ~L

  19. Great review. Thanks for the introduction to this book.

  20. I've seen this book around a lot and am naturally curious about it since I love the idea of a circus. It's on my list. Hope to get to it soon and find out about those knots!

    1. Claudine- I will be curious to hear your thoughts! :) ~L

  21. I've been meaning to read this book! :)

    1. This Kid Reviews Books- I hope you get to it soon. :) ~L

  22. The title of this book is so cute! And it sounds like one that does a pretty good at creating a happier environment for the kids reading it to enjoy.

    1. Olivia- Savannah- It definitely does a good job creating a happier environment for the kids reading it. :) ~L


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