
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Author Interview with Kurt Chambers

The DMS was lucky enough to interview Kurt Chambers. Lizzy reviewed The Wrath of Siren, the second book in his Truth Teller series and it was great to share our thoughts about it and hear yours! We're excited to learn a little more about his story. So, without further ado... take it away, Kurt!

The Wrath of Siren is Book Two in the Truth Teller series. How was writing it different from writing the first book?

In all honesty, it was exactly the same. When I first started writing I was a complete novice. Truth Teller and The Wrath of Siren were originally one book when I first wrote this series. A middle grade novel that was about 125,000 words, how funny! I had no idea there was a problem with that. Once I joined a writing forum and started to learn stuff, I split it into two separate novels. 

How long did it take you to write The Wrath of Siren? Will there be a third book? (We want one!)

It took me about two years to write. Having to live in real life and support a family didn't leave me much time. I would sit in my builder’s van on my breaks and scribble into a little notebook, then type it up in the evening when I got home.
Office stationery vector image
Yes, I have a third book in this series, Favian's Law. I am planning to release this title some time later this year and then publish a special edition with all three books in one. I have already received a very reasonable quote from a friend/editor, so the ball is rolling I'm pleased to say.

Siren is definitely a villain we wouldn’t want to meet! What was your inspiration for his character? 

I would have to say, Terry Brooks, was my greatest inspiration. I love the way he writes, he is a master at what he does. His Shannara books are my favourite fantasy series.

In the 2nd book we get to catch up with some characters we've grown to love, but there are many new characters too. Who was your favorite new character? Why?

This is an easy one. Guff, the talking troll. I had a lot of fun creating this character. He reminds me a little bit of, Ludo, a big scary monster of a creature from the film, Labyrinth by David Bowie, but is actually gentle and kind, willing to risk his own life for the good of others. Guff is a legend.

Charlotte and Elderfield both go through a lot of intense experiences in this book. If you had to give either of them words of advice what would you tell them at the end of this book (no spoilers, of course)?
Beware of unusual strangers. And don't forget to use the bathroom before you go out! Enough said. lol

Do you have a writing schedule that you follow? What do you do to when you get writer’s block?

I found over the years that I'm not like most writers. I have no schedule, I just write when I want to write. If I get writer's block I find it easier to get over if you don't stress out about it. Don't ever beat yourself up, all that will do is stress you out more and make it even harder. I try to write a little bit, even if it's just a line or two, but if nothing comes to me, I just won't write. Try again another day when I have more of a head on for it. In the meantime, I just run ideas over in my head. Sometimes, something pops in there that gets you all excited and you're off again!

You have recently published Unknown Reality, a sci-fi adventure. Can you tell us a bit more about your latest book?

Yes! How very excited I am too. After only twenty submissions I got a reply from a top UK publishing agent saying there was so much about this story that she loved and how sorry she was it was a near miss from her. Just GETTING a reply from an agent is a result these days with their no interest, no reply policy. After much deliberation though, I decided to publish it myself in order to keep a happy medium between my writing and real life.

I also get to aim my new book at a whole new audience: Science fiction fans. Up until now I have only been known as a fantasy author. Here is a blurb of the story.


Eleven-year-old Chloe gasps in awe at the magical splendour of a theatre performance, but her excitement soon vanishes during an autograph hunt and an encounter with the baddie from the show. His unbelievable claim of a flawed universe freaks her out. This starts a chain of unexplainable events that threaten to destroy the only reality Chloe has ever known.

Then one night...they come for her.

Claiming to be her friends, the Scientists try to persuade Chloe her life was some kind of experiment that went horribly wrong, and a computer virus left her with no memory of this alien planet. Struggling to come to terms with a world she doesn’t understand, she is kidnapped from the futuristic outstation by a clan of Savages that live out in the wilderness. When confronted by a father and brother she never knew she had, she is torn between two cultures, none of which she wishes to be part of. All she wants is return to the only family she knew; a family that never really existed.

Are you currently working on a book? If so, can you tell us a little bit about it?

Yeah, I have nearly completed a story I have been working on for a long time. It's called, The World in Johnny's Back Garden. I wanted a story that gave children an alternative view of all living things. I was originally going to write a set of adventure stories from the point of view of different living things you would find in an English garden, a mouse, a dandelion, an ant, a tree. You get the idea. But this proved to be too difficult. Then my youngest daughter insisted I read a book she was working on at school called, Feather Boy. It was a kind of strange contemporary story, but gave me an idea for a starting point for my story. I wrote a whole plot for my book and just started writing it. I have no idea of what reaction I will get; it's quite a strange story.

I posted the first chapter on my blog as it works quite well as a short story for anyone who is interested.

I was also working on another book called, Lost Childhood. This is another strange story about a young boy, Charlie, who gets a talking teddy from his dad. Again, I have the whole plot for this book and even started writing it, but then the film, Ted, came out. Admittedly, the story is completely different, just a case of bad timing so I shelved this one for now.

Where can we purchase your books?

Truth Teller and The Wrath of Siren can be purchased here...(Truth Teller is free)

You can also find them on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, iBooks and all other leading book retailers. Just search by title or author.

Unknown Reality can be purchased here...

Again, this can also be found in all major book retailers.


  1. This was such a fun interview! Thank you so much for having me and letting me brag about myself :D

  2. Congratulations Kurt. And thank you for being so generous in allowing readers a peek into the process.

    1. Thank you :) I appreciate you coming to read it.

  3. Great interview! I like Kurt's thought about writer's block to not stress about it. Good advice!


    1. Thanks, Betty! Stressing just makes it worse :)

  4. Great interview indeed. Not stressing about much of the process, writer's block or editing or whatever, sure helps. Always good to have a pee before you go out too lol

    1. hahaha!!!! That is funny! And SO true, especially at my age :D Thank you, Pat :)

  5. Good interview, I like the idea that you write when you feel and not on a schedule, although I don't write books it's how I write and I rarely have writers block ♡ xox

    1. Thank you, Launna :) I think it helps keep the fun element to it. If you have to write to a schedule then it's just work!

  6. Eep--I haven't been by here in far too long! :/ Glad I caught this awesome interview today! Sounds like an amazing read and it was great to get to meet Kurt!

    1. Thank you so much, Meradeth, that is very kind of you to say. Your timing is impeccable, I have to say! :D

  7. A talking troll. I love that idea.

    1. I so love, Guff, the talking troll. He's a legend!

  8. too bad Shannara was turned into such a bad TV series earlier this year :(

    1. I totally agree! I have been watching it myself. It just doesn't capture the same feel as the books.

  9. What a fun interview. Kurt, your books sound great. And to think you got two written by writing one:) I love it. Those covers are wonderful too. Wishing you all the best.
    Happy weekend, Jess and Steph:) Hope you are enjoying it to the max.

    1. Thank you so much, Sandra! I can't wait to get the third book released and make a special edition with all three books in one.

  10. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kurt. I especially enjoyed your Labyrinth reference. I love Ludo!

    1. That used to be my eldest daughter's favourite film when she was little. I must have seen it over a hundred times lol

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lisa :) I like to think they're great :D

  12. You are so lucky to meet all of these totally awesome writers!

  13. Terry Brooks is excellent inspiration. What an awesome plot. All success!

    1. Thank you so much :) I love the way he writes. I recently finished, The Word and the Void, a modern day paranormal trilogy by him. I was instantly absorbed into the story. I aspire to write that well one day. I may never pull it off though lol

  14. Sounds like a charming book!

  15. Great interview! I didn't know many agents had a no reply/no interest policy. I guess that makes sense...saves time for everyone!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! The problem is, you have to wait six months before you can assume you have been rejected. Then there is still that nagging doubt in the back of your mind lol

  16. It's nice to meet Kurt! Wishing him much success. Thanks so much for the interview. Have a great week! :)

    1. Nice to meet you too, Karen :) Thank you!

  17. Sounds like a great series! Best of luck to Kurt.

  18. Interesting interview. Congratulations on your books, Kurt. Your books sound just right for young readers. Thanks for telling us about them.

    1. Hi Beverly :) Thank you so much!

  19. Hi, Kurt!

    Great to see you here. Congrats on all that's going on in your book world.

    1. Hi Lee! :) It's good to see you too! Thank you for your kinds words :)


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