
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Ben and Will are twins who get into a lot of trouble together. This is disappointing to their father, the baron, and their mother, the baroness. When they nearly burn down the map room it sends their parents over the edge, and they come up with a plan to split the boys up. Will is going to live with his uncle in the Crags, while Ben is to stay at home at the castle. The two tricksters decide that plan doesn’t work and they switch places. No one is the wiser until it's too late. Unfortunately, this allows Ben to hear his father say some not so nice things about him because he thinks he's talking to Will. Ben stews about it until he gets to the Crags. Once there, his uncle is not very friendly and the place is just as dark and gloomy as he remembered. Luckily, his aunt is kind to him. But nothing is as exciting as the secret stairwell he finds with a mysterious mirror. It's clear the mirror holds special magic, and it tells Ben things about his twin brother. Should Ben listen to what the mirror says? Will it help him get the power he deserves? What will happen when Will visits? You don't have a magic mirror, so you’ll be turning the pages like I was!

I was very excited to read The Mirror’s Tale by P.W. Catanese. I enjoy fairytales and twists on them are usually a lot of fun. I knew the story of Snow White, so I was curious to read about her great-great grandchildren. Ben and Will’s characters were developed in a way that I liked them both and felt sorry for them for different reasons. The mirror really worried me! This book was definitely a page turner, and I would recommend it to kids in fourth grade and up who enjoy fantasy stories. The twist on Snow White will appeal to boys and girls. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Has anyone else read The Mirror’s Tale? Or have you read another book by P.W. Catanese? We’d love to hear your thoughts!


  1. This sounds quite scary... and I think people need to rethink talking poorly about someone as this turned out very bad when his father spoke so poorly about him not knowing it was him... that mirror doesn't good at all xox

    1. Launna- The mirror is definitely bad! I agree that the book also shows that we shouldn't talk badly about others. :) ~L

  2. I haven't read this, but it does sound suspenseful! It makes you feel sad for the twin that was going to be sent away; glad the boys came up with their own plot and plan against their parents' plan.


    1. Betty- It was definitely full of suspense. :) ~L

  3. This does sound good. The kind of book I suspect may have hidden depths on top of which there are twins who I tend to find fascinating. Thank you for featuring it.

    1. Tracy- You are welcome! It is a great read and there is a lot of hidden depth to the story. I really enjoyed it. :) ~L

  4. Snow White is a great story, one of my favorite characters. Now we get to read about her great-great grandsons. Fascinating.

    1. Beverly- It is totally fascinating. :) ~L

  5. How sad sounding to hear his father saying horrible things about him. I do like the twist on Snow White and find it interesting that this features her great-great grandsons. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Brenda- I thought that was very sad too! The twist in the story was definitely fun! :) ~L

  6. This sounds so good -- love the Snow White twist! Definitely going on the list. Thanks for bringing this book to our attention!

    1. A Belle's Tale- It is a great read! I hope you enjoy it! :) ~L

  7. Sounds like a good twist and one worth delving into

  8. I'm adding this to my wish list. I haven't come across this book or author before.

    1. Medeia- Awesome that you are putting it on your list. I hope you enjoy it! :) ~L

  9. I love twists on fairy tales, too! Sounds like a great one. Hope your event went well today.

    1. Stephanie- I love twists on fairy tales too! Thanks for the good wishes! ~Stephanie

  10. Ooh. I love it when the story I used to know and still love goes on.

  11. Sounds awesome. I love a twist. Thanks for introducing me to this book.

  12. Replies
    1. Kelly- We have a thing for them too! :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  13. Replies
    1. Optimistic Existentialist- For sure! :) ~L

  14. This sounds like a book my little girls and I would enjoy reading before bedtime! Thanks for sharing this one :)

    1. Claudia- I think you and your girls will love it! :) ~L

  15. This sounds like a pretty cool story. I do love my retelling books a whole lot, and this one sounds so col. Especially as it has to do with Snow White's great grandchildren. And the mirror seems to be causing a lot of trouble here too D:

    1. The mirror would worry me too! I really hope it all ends happily. It's interesting to see a story where the Mirror is the manipulator.

    2. Olivia- It is definitely cool and the retelling is fun. The mirror has a personality of its own! :) ~L

      Adriana- I was very worried about the mirror! The mirror is a strong personality for sure. :) ~L

  16. Lovely review sweetie :D Glad you liked this book. <3 It sounds pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing about it :)

    1. Carina- So glad you enjoyed the review. It is a great book! :) ~L


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