Friday, March 11, 2016

Minnesota... You Betcha!

This week I get to tell everyone about my home state, Minnesota. It’s one of my favorite places- and not just because it's where I'm from! I think lots of people think it's just cold there and there's a lot of farmland, but there is SO much more to it than that!

Lake Harriet

I love the fact that there are over 10,000 lakes of varying sizes and shapes. Where I used to live in Minneapolis people spend lots of time walking around the lakes, swimming in them, boating, water-skiing, fishing, picnicking near them and feeding the ducks. While there are thousands of lakes, one of my favorites is Lake Harriet. When we lived there, my mom and I liked to walk around it every chance we got. It wasn't a far walk from our house, so it was almost a daily thing. Of course, going “up north” to visit the lake where my family has a cabin is always a ton of fun, especially in the summer. Walking along the dirt roads with my grandma, picking raspberries, and learning to water ski are some of my fondest memories of being up and away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The only bad part about going “up north” was that, until a few years ago, we didn’t have indoor plumbing. I didn’t mind using the well and pumping water to brush my teeth, but the outhouse is something I am glad to have said goodbye to for good. We still have our cabin, and I look forward to going back there this summer. I can’t wait for Fairday to join me!

Yes lakes are fabulous, and so is all the exercise and outdoor activity, but being indoors can be pretty cool too. One of the things people know about Minnesota is that we have the largest mall in America. The Mall of America is pretty amazing, though I didn't do all my shopping there. With 400 stores it could keep serious shoppers busy for a long time. Besides all the shopping  there's an aquarium, an amusement park, Legoland and all kinds of interesting attractions to keep you entertained, and out of the cold.  I have to say that I love the roller coasters there and think everyone should try them if they get the chance to visit. 

When it comes to winter sports we have a lot of states beat! I learned to ice skate when I was only three. With so many places to show off your skills some of my best memories are skating with my friends at the park at the end of our street.  Some people think Minnesota is too cold, but I loved spending time outside sledding and having snowball fights. My older brother loves to go snowmobiling and has even ice fished!

Minnesota is so special, but what makes it truly an outstanding place is the friendly smiles you get as you walk down the street and the hellos you hear from everyone, even strangers. There is lots to explore, see, and enjoy in my home state! You betcha you’d like it!

Has anyone else been to Minnesota? Have you seen any of the lakes or enjoyed a pop (soda) in the Mall of America? We’d love to hear your thoughts.



  1. That must be really wild to see an amusement park with a roller coaster indoors.
    At least it's safe to swim in your lakes. We have water moccasins and other snakes, so no way am I getting in the water.
    Never visited Minnesota, but I'd like to!

    1. Alex- You would love MN! Plus there are awesome science museums. :) Seeing an indoor amusement park is very memorable and you can ride during any weather. Sorry to hear about your lakes. :(

  2. I always wanted to go to the Mall of America; we never made it to Minnesota when we lived in Montana; it does seem like a great state! Thanks for sharing it with us!


    1. Betty- It is great! I hope you get to the Mall of America one day- they have hotels right there and offer special deals for staying there. :)

  3. Hi DMS - nope I've never visited the Great Lakes - but I'd love to one day ... it's only recently I've realised there are so many lakes in Minnesota ... growing up there must have been entrancing. So glad you've still got the cabin ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- The Great Lakes are amazing! Living in a state with so many lakes was beautiful and definitely promotes spending time outside. :)

  4. That sure is a ton of lakes indeed. Sure be neat to go in that mall. Never been near there at my sea.

    1. Pat- If you ever get to MN I think you will enjoy the lakes and all that the mall offers. :)

  5. That roller coaster inside is so cool! I never knew a whole lot about Minnesota, so thank you for sharing all these lovely things! You're lucky to live there!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

    1. Lorna- That roller coaster was a thrill for sure! It is super fast and does loops! I am glad to let you know at least a little bit about the great state of Minnesota! ~L

  6. I picked the right state, that was pretty good for me... being from Canada... lol

    You are right that I have heard about it being so cold in Minnesota, however; I take everything with a grain of salt... (old saying... haha) because I live in Nova Scotia where most of the rest of the country thinks there are only little fishing villages and that it snows all the time. Most winters are actually not too bad, not counting the truly awful one last year and I live in a city... not in a fishing village.. xox

    This was interesting to learn more about where you came from.. oh, no roller coasters for me... I am terrified of them... xox

    1. Launna- Good job picking the right state! It sounds like being from Nova Scotia you can totally relate to other people thinking it is colder and snowier than it actually is! I love roller coasters, but can totally understand being scared of them. There are milder rides too. :)

  7. I have never been but it does sound like a great place to visit. It reminds me of the Thousand Islands near Kingston and these islands seem to unite Canada and the U.S. I wonder if the Edmonton Mall is bigger. I have never been but the Edmonton Mall also has all this stuff in the mall-it's huge!

    1. Birgit- I don't know much about the Edmonton Mall- but I looked it up and it is larger than the Mall of America with the number of square feet given to shops. If you include Nickelodeon World (the amusement park in the middle) then the Mall of America is the largest mall in North America. :)

  8. I grew up in Minnesota. It is a great place to live -- except for July and August. I never minded the winters, but the buggy, humid summers drove me nuts.

    1. Rosi- I didn't know you grew up in Minnesota! Wonderful to find that out. You are right about the bugs in the summer. Mosquitoes are there all summer long! :)

  9. I love sailing along the high seas seeing the reflection of the sunlight and the birds swooping down gliding past you. Its an awesome experience.

    1. Spacerguy- What a beautiful comment. You make me want to get out on the water asap! :) ~L

  10. I was in Minnesota two summers ago, and we loved it! We watched a Twins game, posed by the Mary Tyler Moore statue, enjoyed an evening at the Dakota Jazz Club, had brunch at Hell's Kitchen, spent a night in beautiful Stillwater, and saw two of F. Scott Fitzgerald's homes. I'd go back in a heartbeat!

    1. Beth- How awesome that you have been to MN and enjoyed it. Sounds like you got to do all kinds of cool things while you are there. My mom loved the Mary Tyler Moore Show- so I know that statue. :) Thanks for sharing about your travels! ~L

  11. I spent my first year out of college in St. Paul. Lovely town. Also, a disproportionate number of the important people in my life went to Macalester. For that matter, a few others went to Carleton.

    1. The Armchair Squid- How cool that you lived in St. Paul for a year and that so many important people in your life went to colleges there (or nearby). :) ~L

  12. That's so sweet! I love it. I live in Nashville and people tend to assume everyone up North is rude...they see the way people act who move here from New York City and Boston and assume it's everyone. But whenever I've seen Minnesotans on TV and in the media, they've always been super sweet. Plus you're from there, so I know it has to be great!

    1. Stephanie- I may be biased- but people from MN are some of the nicest and friendliest people on earth. ;) I am glad you have noticed nice Minnesotans on TV and in the media. I think there are definitely stereotypes about the people up North- but I think in the Midwest there are lots of friendly people. I know I was surprised going to NY and seeing that everyone doesn't say hello and smile when they pass you on the street. It is hard to get used to something like that! :) ~L

  13. That's really interesting information. Thanks so much for sharing about your state!

    1. J. Lenni Dorner- Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for visiting. :) ~L

  14. the state of Brenda and Brendon Walsh LOL

    1. Dezmond- You betcha! Before they moved to 90210 anyway. :) ~L

  15. I haven't made it to Minnesota! Sounds a lot like Montana in many ways :)

    1. Meradeth- It is a lot like Montana in many ways. Not as many mountains in MN, but definitely both of them have lots of beautiful outdoor sights to explore. :) ~L

  16. Good to know more about your home state. Minnesota sounds great

    1. Tracy- It is a great state for sure! :) ~L

  17. Minnesota is still on my list of states to visit. My hubby has been a few times and we aren't so far away:) Are you going to BEA in Chicago?

    1. Kimba- We hope you get to MN one day. Always nice to make it to states that aren't too far away. Hoping to go to BEA in Chicago- but still trying to figure it out. :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  18. I love be roller coasters! They're so much fun. The outhouse doesn't sound as fun. ;)

    1. I have no idea how "be" slipped in there. Lol

    2. Kelly- Sometimes crazy things happen when we are typing. :) I love roller coasters too and there is something extra cool about riding one in a mall. As for outhouses- I would be happy to never have to use one again. :) ~L

  19. I've never been there but I do know what you mean about having preconceived ideas about a place. I live in Las Vegas and people used to ask me if I lived in a Hotel. lol

    1. Mary- That is too funny that people have asked you if you live in a hotel because you live in Las Vegas. It's crazy what people get into their minds. Everyone I know thinks MN is only farms- but I lived in a major city with sidewalks, buses, and lots of people. :) ~L

  20. I haven't really had the chance to go to America yet so I don't know too much about it, but Minnesota definitely looks cool. A dream of mine is to visit every state one day, this one included :D

    1. Olivia- Savannah- I think if you get to visit every state you will be amazed at how different they are from each other. The food, climate, terrain, and even the people are unique in each state that I have been to so far! :) ~L

  21. Heidi- It is a beautiful place to visit. Spring and fall are great times there. :) ~L

  22. Lake Harriet is amazing. I'd love to sit near it and paint or read or just freewrite a morning away. And ice-skating is a secret childhood dream. I've ice-skated twice, in my teens, and I was terrible at it. Now that I've conquered my fear for swimming, I can look forward to learning ice-skating. (Oh, if only there's a rink I can get to nearby! The only one I know is about 2 hours away.)

    1. Claudine- You would love MN. So many different lakes to sit and read, write, draw, or just take in the scenery. Ice skating can be tricky, but the more you do it- the better you get. I can imagine learning in your teens is probably a little scarier than learning before starting school (the ground is a lot closer then if you fall). :) I hope you get to ice skate again soon!

      Congratulations on conquering your fear of swimming!


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