
Friday, March 25, 2016

City Life vs. Country Life...

Recently, Lizzy shared a little about her hometown, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and today I'm going to tell you about where I grew up, Manhattan, NY.  Most people think life in the city is busy and exciting, and they're right, it is. BUT, it's also regular too. The daily routine hasn't changed that much in my family, other than it's mostly focused around fixing up the Begonia House now. We stay home more than we did in the city, but my new address keeps me plenty busy. ;)

The coolest thing about living in a big city is that some of the most interesting places in the world are in your own backyard. My mom and Lizzy's mom have been good friends since Lizzy and I met in the 1st grade. On weekends, they'd pack us up to go on a book date. We'd go to the New York Public Library to pick out books, then on to Central Park for a picnic. The stories brought the magic and my dad always provided the delightful snacks.

A book date in Central Park
One of my favorite places to visit is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's so interesting to see history come to life. I can get lost in there for hours, and have many times- to my parents dismay (I secretly feel like it's mine, and I know all the nooks and crannies). The display that fascinates me the most is the knights' armor. Henry the VIII's is so crazy to look at, and it's unbelievable to think anyone could wear it at all, let alone ride horses into battle. Seeing things like this up close really makes you think- and appreciate cotton.

I remember when we were driving to our new house, and we passed the state sign- it read, 'Welcome to Connecticut. We're full of surprises.' At first, I didn't think so coming from such an exciting hometown, but after having lived in the Begonia House, I'd say, "You betcha."

Manhattan will always have a special place in my heart. It taught me so much about people and life in general. My new town seems quieter on the outside, but the Begonia House has lots of hidden secrets that will keep me guessing in the quiet country town of Ashpot, Connecticut.

~ F

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  1. NYC has tons of things to visit, and it sounds like you took advantage of quite a few of them while living in Manhattan. I've visited NYC three times growing up, and I'd love to go back. It's a fascinating place.

    1. Cherie- There really is a ton to do in NYC. So much to explore! :) ~F

  2. Thanks for sharing! I think that living near NYC would be nice for those adventures. I mean, I'm sure the everyday life is fairly normal, like you said, but it would be great to be close to all the excitement too!


    1. Lauren- NYC definitely has a lot of adventures for anyone ready to take them. :) ~F

  3. I have never been to New York other than being on a bus... I have been to Toronto Ontario and I fell in love with all the places that were available to me that I didn't have living in Halifax... my place is a city but very small... I love reading about the places you two have grown up xox

    1. Launna- So glad you have enjoyed the posts about our hometowns. :) I have been to Toronto and really liked it. The CN Tower is so cool! What a view! :) ~F

  4. I always feel for the horses carrying those men in armour...
    Country for me, with excursions to the city. Occasional excursions.

    1. EC- I can't even imagine how hard things were for those horses. Walking in those outfits would be SO hard- let alone carrying riders wearing all that metal! :) ~F

  5. NYC has a ton to do, but waaaaaay too many horns honking. Country near a city for me.

    1. Pat- I agree with you about the horns. Definitely nice to be in a place where horns are very infrequent. :) ~F

  6. I think it would be fun to live close by to a big city like New York City; wouldn't necessarily want to live in it, but would enjoy visiting :) thanks for sharing your hometown with us :)


    1. Betty- I agree that it is nice to visit big cities, so living near them is a lot of fun. :) ~F

  7. It would be fun to live in NYC! I would never eat in!

    1. Patty- So many good places to eat for sure! :) ~F

  8. who would not like to live in NY?

  9. I would like to visit New York. My mom was born in Brooklyn, but left when she was a child. I'd like to see where she lived. This country girl, however, likes living in the country, where the deer roam and the coyotes howl. Thanks for telling us about your home.

    1. Beverly- I like the peace of the country too! I hope you get to visit Brooklyn and can see where your mom grew up. :) ~F

  10. I've been to the MoMA and the Natural History ones, but I don't think I ever went in a NY museum with suits of armor. I love the pics! (I lived in NYC and in CT too. CT is so beautiful, and I can picture Fairday's environment perfectly!) Have a great weekend!

    1. Lexa- Love the museums you mentioned. If you ever get to the MET you will be fascinated. So glad you can picture CT so well. Amazing that we lived so close to each other. :) ~F

  11. Hi DMS - I love the big cities for a while - then I'm exhausted and need the country ... we grew up quite near London, but in the country ... and now I'm within an hour and half train ride of London ... so not too bad.

    Love museums and exhibitions etc ... I do what I can .. enjoy being outside of NY - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary- I love the city- but so appreciate the quiet of the country. It is a nice feeling to connect with nature. :) I think being a train ride away from a city is really cool.

      Museums are such fun! :) ~F

  12. I'm a country girl but I love to visit the city.

    1. Kelly- Visiting the city is definitely fun! :) ~F

  13. I live in a little village surrounded by countryside and couldn't imagine living in a city, especially one as big as NY :)

    1. Winter Moon- I love the setting you described. Being out in the countryside is very peaceful. :) ~F

  14. One thing I always miss when I go to NYC is green! I never realize how green Tennessee is until I spend all that time around concrete and highrises. Of course, our downtown (Nashville) is getting like that, too. I do envy all of the exciting things you have right THERE. So much to do...and so much within a day's drive, as well, for great weekend trips.

    1. Stephanie- I love seeing lots of green too! Cities are great because they have so much to do and see, but I am happy being out in the country now. Lots to explore in nature too! :) ~F

  15. I lived in New York for about 1.5 years, then nearby in New Jersey for 2 more. I'm grateful for the time that I spent there. Much of American culture cannot be understood without understanding New York. But I can't say I miss it. There are things I miss ABOUT it, though, mainly the access to a rich and diverse culture. I also liked living in a place where I didn't need a car. Can't say that about Vermont!

    1. The Armchair Squid- The diverse culture in NY is awesome! So many interesting people and all kinds of tasty food. I do love being out in the country now, but visiting NY is always fun. :) ~F

  16. Art museums are fun places to visit.

  17. NYC is a place I really want to visit as well! I really love the whole idea of cities, especially as my own home city is London. I can admire and enjoy the beauty of the countryside but I will always want to be back home in the city at some point. So much to do in NYC!

    1. Olivia-Savannah- I hope you get to NYC. A fun city to explore for sure! I would love to visit London one day! :) ~F

  18. Gorgeous post sweetie :D Your city looks so gorgeous. Sigh. I love the pictures :) Thank you for sharing about it. <3

    1. Carina- Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed the post and the pictures. :) ~F

  19. The library and the Met are places I'd definitely visit when I'm in NYC (one day soon, I hope). And yes, I'd sit at the park with a cup of tea and either freewrite or freesketch in the early morning. The only problem is, I can be quite paranoid and having watched so many crime drama with the Central Park as the setting, I might get a bit ... nervous.

    1. Claudine- We would love it if you got to visit NYC. If you come- we can get together and while you drink tea and sketch we will keep an eye out for crime and you can relax and enjoy the moment. We will have a ton of fun visiting museums and soaking in NY together. :) ~Jess and Stephanie


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