Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday's Riddle: Sudden Saves...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? This happens everyday in the world, because people care. : ) ~ F

Danger dwells on common ground; a knock is sure to come around. Things in space stir up trouble, some are small, others double. In time when all seems lost, the day will fall, too high the cost. A hero swoops in and smack! A spark is lit, hope comes back. Life is changed and love's revealed. Fate was or wasn't sealed. These threads stitched alter a patterns flow. This act is grand, as we know.

What am I referring to? Stop by Wednesday for the answer. 

I gave you a clue!


  1. Support network? Friends? Not sure on this one...

  2. I know this one! It's a super hero! Like Ironman or Capt. America!

  3. Not sure...heroes or heroics? Or a lifeline? This is a good one!

  4. This one is tough... I am going to guess friends... it is a really good one... I can't wait to see what it is xox

  5. The reference to space has me stumped all I can think of is cosmic superheroes like Captain Marvel?

  6. Well I'm stumped. Happy Monday.

  7. Oh dang, I don't know! I like the comments above about super heroes!

  8. Okay, I've seen the answers and I'm still stumped.

  9. life preserver-- friend or guard, or float

  10. Life saving? Helping hand. Friend.

  11. A hero? A lifeline? A rescue? We don't know! Fantastic riddle! Hope you ladies have a wonderful week :)

  12. I've always wondered how it would feel to save a life. I know I've rescued animals, but I've never truly rescued a person.

  13. A lifesaver or rescuer? Could be anything who can do that.

  14. A lifesaver or hero.

  15. Hi Jess - I've no idea .. but I'd say LifeLine ... though there's no line, but a ring ...

    I shall find out anon - cheers Hilary

  16. I think it has to do with being saved, with having a lifeline thrown...

  17. I'm clueless. The other guesses sound good.

  18. I want to be a fly on the wall while you dream up these. Does it take long? Do you start with the answer and work your way back? Great quiz, Jess. I looked at the pic, then read the poem again, then looked at the pic again. I'm not particularly quick today. Haha. Now I'm off to find some candies.

    1. Hi Joylene, Actually, I only give myself 45 minutes to come up with the riddle on Monday morning- that's part of the fun. More time is no good and less is impossible. :) ~ F

  19. It is tough, but I'm going to say help or assistance because you have hope written in the riddle. These ARE good! I'm blog hopping with C. Lee McKenzie, et al. I like your blog and will be back. I'll also follow your blog and connect with you on social media. Thanks for sharing your riddle.

  20. We are venturing into the unknown here but truly magnifico!

  21. It sounds like knitting to me. ;) Whew! My brain must need a break.

  22. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has come to the rescue. ;) ~ F


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