
Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday's Riddle: Deciduously Mysterious...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? I had a harrowing experience with one when I moved into the Begonia House. ; ) ~ F

Born deciduous with a lengthy reach. I've been used as a crop or a quick way to teach. Mysteriously elegant, I sway with the wind. I'm loved by romantics and can hide those who've sinned. Leaves a plenty, and the healing kind. My archetype is carried with compassion in mind. Painted in pictures, drawn onto the scene. I'll always invoke that which is dream.

What am I? Stop by Wednesday for the answer.

I gave you a clue!

Clue: I am in this picture. 
(*On a side note- while looking for this picture as the clue, I had to go into an old post- if you're in the mood for a little magic today click here. Tee hee. ;) 


  1. I've called them "Raintrees' ever since I saw Raintree County with Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Cliff decades ago.

  2. Willow? Look mysterious!! Love it!!!

  3. It sounds like Willow tree to me... I'm interested in hearing the story about it xox ♡

  4. Looks like a weeping willow tree to me, and one with an interesting story at that. Happy Monday!

  5. oh, DEFINITELY a willow...Fairday, Lizzy and Marcus are having quite the time with that thing!! I'm like 30 pages from the end of the book and I don't want it to end, but I have to know what happens! Today will be the day! bittersweet!

    1. Beth Ellyn- Yes- the DMS is having quite the time with the willow! So glad you are enjoying the book so much. Your comment made us both smile. :) ~Stephanie and Jess

  6. I'm with everyone else in thinking Weeping Willow, but I'm curious about the line about the archetype being carried with compassion in mind.
    Fun riddle!

  7. I love weeping willow trees. I really love them when they're mirrored in still ponds.

  8. I did have willows in my old yard

  9. It's got to be a lovely weeping willow tree...I love them!

  10. I know this. Ha, ha. I just finished reading the book. The willow tree.

  11. Must be a weeping willow tree. Interesting riddle.

  12. I'm going with a weeping willow :)


  13. Willow tree!! And we love this riddle -- so beautiful :)

  14. I think you've got lots of successful answers to far! What a beautiful photo.

  15. A willow tree. Probably my favorite tree ever. :-)

  16. I agree with everyone else and what beautiful tree it is. I enjoy a look back at your previous post.

  17. Willow! Willow! I'm so pleased I got one. :-D

  18. My favourite of trees, a willow. Our three cats have their ashes scattered beneath the pussywillow tree in our garden.

  19. Weeping willow. My best friend had one growing up and we loved to play under it.

  20. Wasn't sure it was willow - until I saw all the other responses! :P

  21. I'm going with weeping willow, too! One of my favorite trees :)

  22. Weeping Willow, they are so lovely!! Perfect to read under :)

  23. Everyone is guessing weeping willow but I thought it was a stick from the sound of the riddle, so I am just gonna have to go with that instead even if I am wrong :P

  24. Hi Jess - I think I could have got this one if I'd looked when you first posted, but I thought I'd have to get my head into gear for some lateral thinking - but no - I could have picked up my cricket bat (which I don't have) and hit some willow.

    It's a great tree so varied ... cheers Hilary

  25. Excellent guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F


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