
Friday, February 5, 2016

Margo's Musings: Frederick by Leo Lionni

My original copy of Frederick  : ) 
Margo asked if we could feature my favorite children's book, Frederick by Leo Lionni. We've spotlighted this story before, but since we're spreading the news about the drawing contest, I thought it was a fun idea to share it again. This book inspired my love for drawing. I learned to keep my stories in sketches, and it was easy to pull them out whenever I needed to pick myself up or things weren't going so well. This morning it was nice to see the snow. Margo and I reread the book together, it felt warm and cozy. Frederick is a beautiful tribute to storytellers and dreamers. My copy is tattered from love, but it's meaning is just as real today as it ever was- the words never change, and sharing it with my little sister is very special. : ) ~ F

Frederick the field mouse is a dreamer. His family works hard all summer, collecting berries and stocking up on grain for the winter months. But, Frederick doesn't join in. He sits in the sun. He collects thoughts. The others ask him why he won't work, what is it that he is doing? Frederick tells them that he is gathering words. The cold comes. And, at first, the food is plentiful, the conversation light and fun...but then, the gloom sets in. The world is frozen; the supplies much less. The family of mice turn to Frederick, remembering what he had said. Through his quiet mouse voice, he lifts them into their imaginations and their hearts are joyous, as if by magic.

Who scatters snowflakes? Who melts the ice? Who spoils the weather? Who makes it nice? Who grows the four-leaf clovers in June? Who dims the daylight? Who lights the moon?

Four little field mice who live in the sky.
Four little field mice... like you and I.

One is the Springmouse who turns on the showers. Then comes the Summer who paints in the flowers. The Fallmouse is next with walnuts and wheat. And Winter is last...with little cold feet.

Aren't we lucky the seasons are four? Think of a year with one less... or one more!

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  1. I believe I have gotten this one from the library before for the boys.

    1. Lisa- I bet you have! Such a great book. :) ~F

  2. This is one adorable book. I absolutely love the cover and the illustrations, too. Who couldn't cherish this one?

    1. Lee- It is one everyone should have on their shelves. :) ~F

  3. Awe, I've never seen this one, I like the message... I'm happy that Fredrick could help his family xox ♡

  4. This looks very cute. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Launna- I like the message too! :) ~F

      Kelly- It really is! :) ~F

  5. I really like the sound of this one. If something has inspired you, then you know it has to be good. I'm glad you love drawing and that it is an easy way for you to document and get back into the mode of writing as well <3

    1. Olivia-Savannah- This is a great book and one adults will be able to relate to for sure. Drawing is a wonderful outlet for me and I love the insight it gives me into a story. :)

  6. sounds delightful, not that it would ever make me like rodents :)

  7. It sounds like a wonderful book. A book to read again and again until the words are firmly (and forever) entrenched in my brain and heart.

  8. OMG! That's so adorable, and I really love the rhymes. Thanks for sharing your childhood favorite with us! :)

    1. Lexa- It is a sweet book and one everyone can enjoy. :) ~F

  9. Sounds like the perfect one to read over and over indeed.

    1. Pat- It is exactly that kind of book! :) ~F

  10. Aw :D That one looks pretty cute. <3 Thank you for sharing about this book :)

    1. Carina- You are welcome! It is a cute book. :) ~F

  11. This sounds so adorable -- we're definitely going to look for it. Thank you for sharing! Lovely post :-)

    ~Michele & Mckenzie

    1. PS: I love your original copy -- a book "tattered from love" is the best kind of book :-)


    2. Michelle and Mckenzie- I hope you enjoy it too! Loved and tattered books hold many memories in their pages. :) ~F

  12. This book looks and sounds like a fun read! Not only that, but it looks like it has wonderful moralistic lessons children can glean from :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Claudia- It is a great book all around. Kids and adults will love the story and take something away with them. :) ~F

  13. Oh my... This looks like one of those really old classics! Those whereby the book is all worm eaten in the library shelf. I love the cute illustration and it's amazing that you got inspired with the illustrations here.

    Thank you for your heartfelt comments on my blog over the months. I enjoyed reading them!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

    1. Jo- I always enjoy stopping into your blog!

      Thanks for visiting us too. This is definitely a well loved book that has been read over and over again. :)

  14. Aw so Frederick is a storyteller. I think he should have also worked because they could have used the help. It's always nice to read about one of a reader's favorite books as a child.

    1. Adriana- I love that Frederick is a storyteller, because he plays an important role. But I agree that doing some work would have helped out all of the mice. :) ~F

  15. This book looks great for children and sounds like a fun read!

  16. Ah, thanks for the chance to revisit a classic.

    1. The Armchair Squid- Glad you enjoyed it! :) ~F

  17. How charming. I've never heard of this one. How did I miss it?!

    1. Stephanie- I bet you have read other books by the author, Leo Lionni. :) ~F

  18. The name is familiar (as in the author's name -- Leo Lionni) but I haven't read any of his. Frederick would be a good start. I love drawing, too, and am always curious about what inspires other artists.

    1. Claudine- Leo Lionni has many books, maybe you have read another one of his book. I hope you enjoy Frederick! :) ~F

  19. Heidi- You will love it! Enjoy! :) ~F


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