
Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday's Riddle: Story Sailors...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week? Lizzy and I are proud to be called both. Top favorite things to do, for sure! ; ) ~ F

Designed for both, hand and hand; words play thought in mind band. Letters written, pricked in style, sorted by brain sponge, then put on file. Images now, stories then, the maddening circle leads to the end. With the taste of word in thee, you'll feast on every book you see. Known as such, you'll want it quiet- inside, the scene could be a riot. Writers write to launch a tale, while __________ read to watch it sail. 

What am I referring to? (Fill in the blank :) 
Stop by Wednesday for the answer!

I gave you a clue!

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  1. Hmm, I may be way off, but is it editor? Author? I am so bad a riddles. Ha!

  2. Hi Jess - I'd say Readers ... cheers Hilary

  3. I'm also guessing readers. Love the imagery of that sentence starting with "Writers write..."

  4. Great riddle. I guess I'd agree with everyone on the blank word being readers

  5. Readers but I saw everyone else's...without that I had no clue!

  6. I'm guessing readers. Have a lovely week.

  7. Awesome riddle this week :D But ahh. I don't understand it, lol. But my first and only thought was readers, so going with that :) Thank you for sharing. <3

    1. Also.. I do not understand why I cannot click Publish when I use Firefox :( And not with Chrome either.. a bit annoying. Sigh. Have been like this for ages o.O so now I had to open my Microsoft edge browser :)

    2. Carina- We are sorry you have had trouble publishing your comments. We are not sure why but hope to look into it. Sometimes when we have trouble commenting on a blog we click "Preview" first and then publish and it works. Thanks for still trying. Hopefully we can figure out the problem.

  8. It's readers! I'm positive. I guessed it before I got confirmation from the others, so I'm feeling kind of smug out here,

  9. I had to read it 3 times but I'm guessing reader too... it seems to be the only thing that fits ♡♡

  10. I think ... readers. Seems to be the popular choice.

  11. everybody says readers so I'm joining the club!

  12. Oh boy, my initial thought was book, but after seeing everyone's response, I'm sort of leaning towards reader too! Gah! I'll go with a book ;)

  13. I'm going with the majority on this one: readers:)

  14. Seems like everyone thinks readers, so I'm going to say readers ;)

  15. Great job guessing, Riddlers. The answer has been revealed! ~ F


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