
Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday's Riddle: Leisure to Learn...

Hello, Riddlers! Can you guess our theme this week. It's the place to go when you want to learn about the world. ; ) ~ F

Gathering minds talk and stand; pupils let thoughts expand. Those who know what to do, show the latter all that's new. Given many things in tow, we seek space in which to grow. Diving deep you'll swim in form, but here you'll find class the norm. Larhus, an Old English term, is where you'd go to leisure learn. The scene is meant to tell the show; it's smart to listen when you go. It may be hard or like a chore, even such a terrible bore, but ideas flare, then make a mark, and that ignites your own bright spark. 

What am I referring to? (Stop by Wednesday for the answer) 

I gave you a clue!

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  1. Ooh, a school or some other place of education?

  2. Classes at a university or something like that.

  3. I'll give it an older word... liceum.

  4. Hmm. Now my mind is in a whirl. I'm stumped. :)

  5. I'll guess school, but I'm not 100 percent sure on it.

  6. I'm thinking school or the classroom.

  7. School has to be the answer. Just FYI I haven't been able to post here. This is my third try. Can't figure out why I'm having trouble.

  8. Definitely school.

  9. School? I didn't look at the other answers, but I'm going to scroll up now and see!

  10. "Diving deep you'll swim in form..." So let's make it a school of fish for fish! :)


  11. Hi Jess - I was going to say library ... but school, university, college etc ... and in fact anywhere if one has one's eyes open ... cheers Hilary

  12. It's school. That's cool! Loved the diving deep part.

  13. Great job guessing, Riddlers! The answer has been revealed. ;) ~ F


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