
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

That's a Wrap!

Excellent guessing, Riddlers! This week we're wrapping up 2015. Stop by Wednesday to see Lizzy's top picks for middle grade, and Friday Margo will let us know her favorite children's picture books of the year. See you all around the book block. ; ) ~ F

When you want to sum things up and bring them to a close. When the winter winds whip by and redden up your nose. When you've something nice to give and wish it for another. When you're arguing pointlessly with a sister or a brother. When the act is over and the song is at its end. When the box is fragile and you don't want for it to bend. When your lunch is tidy by a roll and not a slice. When the game is over and its snake eyes on the dice. When a time has come to pass, a new one will begin. Now, you've seen it all fly by; the credits will read, Fin.

What am I referring to? Answer: A Wrap!

Fairday's Riddles: Volume I 
Make time to riddle and rhyme!

62 original riddles and illustrations
Available in all e-book formats

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  1. That is a good riddle. Curious to see some of your top reading picks for the year!

  2. That was a good one and I was quite wordy hoping to hit all the marks:)

  3. Well done Jess - I'm glad there are other more intelligent people around to guess the riddles for me! Brilliant thought though .. Happy New Year to you - Hilary

  4. Happy New Year which arrives 2Morrow :)

  5. That was not an easy one... but yay... I got it right xox

  6. I'm really curious how far in advance you come up with your poems or maybe you do it every week easily. I wouldn't be surprised since you girls are so creative.
    I'm looking forward to see all your wrap ups for the year.

    1. Hi Adrianna, Lizzy and I talk on Sunday evening about what book she wants to review, which sets the theme for the week. Then on Monday morning I write the riddle, I give myself about an hour to write it. It's a fun challenge, plus it's great practice keeping up my writing skills. Thanks for asking! :) ~ F

  7. That's a good one. You are very creative with your riddles!


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