
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Bit Of A Break!

We're taking a blog break, getting organized for back to school. We'll see you next week with another great story to share. :) 

Happy Reading! ~ DMS

Which story would you want to know more about?

1. The Vampire Queen's Vice

2. Festering and Murdock's Home for Unruly Girls
3. Merwinsville: Delia's Demise

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  1. Good luck getting ready for the back to school fun! And I'm definitely down for hearing more about story #2 :)

  2. Good luck with that. Yep, my vote also goes to #2.

  3. #2 I think :)

    enjoy the break!


  4. Festering and Murdock's Home for Unruly Girls sounds wonderful!
    See you next week, Barbara

  5. Enjoy the break, and goo luck with school. I'm feeling about unruly myself, so let's go with that one. :)

  6. Hi human, Jess,

    Ah yes, have a hopefully calm break and back to school, fur sure.

    The home for unruly dogs sounds fun. Did I get that right? Arf! :)

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  7. I hope your break is pleasant and productive.

  8. Have a productive break. See you next week.

  9. Hmm...perhaps the second one? I like the illustration on all of them, so it's hard to pick! Have a great break.

  10. Have a great break! The first one really makes me wonder what the vampire queen's vice is and if it's different from the typical vampire.

  11. I'd go with Number One. Enjoy the break, guys!

  12. Hope everything goes as needed. Sadly, I'm obsessed with books, so all three work for me.

  13. I most definitely choose vamps! And this is Real Patty not Fake Patty!

  14. It looks like I'm not the only one that chooses the vampire and her vice. Definitely the most intriguing.

  15. I hope you get lots done over the break! I'm curious what the vamp queen's vice could be besides, ya know, sucking people's blood... LOL!

  16. Love the sound of all 3 books.

  17. They all sound intriguing!! Enjoy the prep :)

  18. Ohh Vampire Queen. Have fun getting ready for back to school.

  19. I like them all! How can I choose? OK, must go with #2 - lots of stories in a school for unruly girls I am guessing!

  20. Thanks everyone! Great to hear your thoughts on the stories. :) Our break was great, but we just need to find a way to squeeze a few more hours into the day! September sure is a busy month!


Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We love to hear your thoughts! We had to turn on comment moderation due to a high volume of spam. Fairday's Blog is no longer accepting awards. We appreciate all the nominations that we have received and are honored to have been mentioned! Happy Reading!